February 21, 2009 0

Back With the Gang

By in sketches

The Gang in this case is me, Rick Gagnon, and Marr. Did a pile of drawings, at our usual haunt, the Cock N’ Bull, after 5 pm. Fridays. That’s happy hour until 7!
D. Fective

Rick and I finished the above drawing last, but of course it was the most elaborate one, so it goes up first. Kind of had a Jack Davis vibe to it. It started with a head I drew in the middle, then Rick put in most of the rest. We both did a great deal of the inking, giving the other person directions in case the pencils weren’t clear, about where the light was pointing, etc. Some debate on little points, but usually we’re on the same wavelength.

The people beside us were amused at all of the effort and discussion over minutiae that went into producing something like that. “Do you think you’re putting enough work into it, yet?”

The thing with these dark, elaborate drawings, you always feel there’s one more thing you can do to make the picture just a little bit better. So it’s rarely finished, just abandoned. That’s different from simple drawings, which can be over-laboured on, and you have to watch out.

The stegosaurus below rocks. I think I’m pretty good at forms of things, while Rick is ace at tones, and placing blacks. We learn from each other, doing these.

Nora the cat wasn’t actually at the bar, as she is in this drawing I did, but some day she might slip into the bag and show up. “Why aren’t you feeding me, and paying attention to me, every moment?”:

Marr did some nice drawings in his own little book. He said he never wants to fool around with lights and darks, and so got a lot of chiding from us two. Still, I think he enjoys the interaction and collaboration, and hope he takes the chance to stretch his abilities.

He does like to do things his own way, however. He was unhappy about the mouth not lining up below, but I think it worked great.

Next, Rick’s drawing of one of the annoying business types at a nearby table. Even if they are a pain, and Rick certainly makes no secret of his feelings, he still is pretty gentle with them graphically.

That’s as opposed to me, because this was a nice lady on the other side as drawn by me. I’d never show her this, and probably, if I ever took a job as a mall caricaturist, be run out of town on a rail!

This last one by me is Tony, the funny old busboy at the bar. Always seems to be behind you, when you don’t expect him, reaching for your empty glass. He’s a nice guy, though. Just a little “Addams Family.”
Drat! Forgot his funny little short tie.

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