July 26, 2011 0

A New, New Book

By in men, sketches, watercolour


Picked up a new sketchbook on the way with a friend to the new “Harry Potter” movie on the weekend. It was on the sale table at the art materials store, so I thought it was on sale, but turned out to be not. We were in a hurry to get to the show, so I just picked it up anyhow. I wanted a new book; the old one was almost full. It’s pleasant to start in on virgin pages.

Typically, however, I started this page in the back. Shy about what happens on the front page, in case it’s a mess. But here I was drawing pictures of this Quebec actor whose face I liked (don’t have the magazine lying around out of where I could pick up his name! Antoine Bertrand). I’m getting busy again, which feels good, but there’s always the question of how to order your day, when you have to piece it together by yourself. I also like finding time for posting on my blog, and twitter, etc. That actually helps — a form of networking!

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