Here’s a watercolour I did of the cat of a friend. Dollarama Da Vinci Paper, and paints named after some other famous artist. 6 by 9 inches….
By Jack Ruttan in brush pen, cats, color, Jack's House of Cats, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolourCostumed Grouch
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, heads, men, pencil, Portraits, sketchesChildhood Dog
By Jack Ruttan in dogs, paintings, watercolor, watercolourI was digging through what I laughingly call my “archives,” and this little painting fell out. It’s a portrait I did some years ago of our family’s childhood dog, Pimmy. He was a “Toy Terrier,” which meant he was a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier, and a beagle.
Not the brightest dog in the world, but I have fond memories of him.
Last page of one of my last year’s (2024) sketchbooks.
By Jack Ruttan in color, men, paintings, watercolorSassy Squirrel and Cat
By Jack Ruttan in cats, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolourFirecat and Two Guys
By Jack Ruttan in brush pen, cats, color, heads, Jack's House of Cats, men, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolourWitch Lady with Cat
By Jack Ruttan in paintings, watercolorMy blog still seems to be working, but please bear with me as I upgrade it from the 1990’s version of WordPress. I’ll include links here to where this is officially going on the web, once I figure them out.
This picture was more for Halloween, and was illustrating someone’s story. A much more famous artist did a drawing on this subject for the cover of the New Yorker, and that’s what was coming up on the image search the publication was doing for the story. This picture above is all my own work, however. Though I’ve not set up any anti AI software!
I’m a little curious what it would say if I asked it to “Do an illustration in the style of Jack Ruttan.” I think would respond, “Are you joking? Are you trying to be funny?”
Tags: watercolour