Archive for the ‘women’ Category

June 23, 2024 0

Care Centre

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, sketches, women

May 12, 2024 0

Green Hair

By in ballpoint pen, heads, paintings, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women


August 5, 2023 0

Yelling People!

By in color, Coloured Pencils, heads, pencil, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

I have to update my blog, template and all, to add new, modern things. I hope not a ton of pop-ups, etcetera. Still, this is a recent sketchbook page I actually worked on today! I’m setting up a Patreon link, and also have a cool illustration thing I’m going to share soon! Please stay tuned!

June 22, 2022 0

Guys, etc.

By in ballpoint pen, heads, men, Portraits, sketches, women

Various ballpoint characters. Going to pick up that book!

June 12, 2022 0


By in ballpoint pen, black and white, women

Looking at pictures by Peter de Seve. He draws scary ladies, which I sort of like. Ballpoint pen, with unapologetic blobs.

January 18, 2022 0


By in digital, heads, Portraits, women

This is a little late for Martin Luther King Day, but I drew him a couple of years ago, for an article for Coreopsis Journal of Myth & Theatre. It’s called It Can Happen Here, and it’s written by Ron Boyer.

December 6, 2021 0

More sketchbookery

By in ballpoint pen, cats, Coloured Pencils, pencil, sketches, watercolor, women

Pictures done from reference are more “realistic,” but not as much fun to draw as more cartoony things. I sort of adore the way ballpoint pens “blob.” Other artists wipe the point, I think, in between doing cross-hatching lines.

January 21, 2020 0

New Coloured Pencils

By in color, Coloured Pencils, men, pencil, Portraits, ruttan's place, sketches, women

A generous friend sent me a set of 168 wooden coloured pencils. (Is it “coloured” or “colour”? The last one sounds slightly illiterate.) I’ve taken them out of their packaging, where they were inaccessible, and put them into yogurt containers, where I can reach them and see what I’m drawing with. Some of the pencils […]

April 12, 2018 0


By in digital, Portraits, women

March 15, 2018 0


By in digital, heads, paintings, sketches, women

Inspired by an unpleasant character from a U.K. Le Guin story.

August 28, 2017 0

Digital Dame

By in digital, heads, women

Digital painting, on the bigger computer again. Trying to do what’s called “glazing,” using my “natural brushes.”

August 1, 2017 0

By in black and white, color, heads, horses, men, pen and ink, pencil, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

This is sort of a test, in that I’m trying to post something via photos I took with the iPad. Sadly, there are a few things I haven’t figured out, but this is good enough for the time being.

April 20, 2017 0

Star Wars-ian Portraits

By in black and white, Gouache, heads, pen and ink, pencil, Portraits, sketches, women

Of characters whose names all begin with “L,” apparently.

April 8, 2017 0

Black Watercolour Pencils

By in black and white, Coloured Pencils, sketches, women

Seems like a lot of variety in “black” in coloured pencils. The face on the left was drawn with an “Ivory Black,” which is quite different from the black of another, cheaper brand. I’m quite miffed, though, that the more expensive pencil just split in half while I was sharpening it. Maybe some crazy glue […]