Archive for the ‘brush pen’ Category

July 19, 2023 0

Newish Pages

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, brush pen, color, horses, men, pencil, sketches

Newish sketchbook pages. You know, I used to put up a drawing every day, and felt unhappy if I didn’t. But these days, while I’m still drawing a lot, I’m not blogging as much. Social Media is strange. I loved Twitter, but they seem to be doing as much as they can to ruin it. […]

February 23, 2022 0


By in black and white, brush pen, horses

I come from Alberta, and when I was younger, I spent a summer building jumps and painting fences at the Spruce Meadows Equestrian Centre. While I’m not a great rider (my sister was!), I loved seeing the horses. They liked seeing me, out in the fields. I think they mistook the paint cans for feed […]

June 14, 2018 0

The Savage Yard!

By in brush pen, comics, digital

A comic by me, Jack Ruttan. Computer colours, this time. Seems like digital is much slower, and much more reliant on know-how than watercolours are, which are sort of in my bones. Still working on the work flow! Of course, what a person thinks about this who grew up with digital and has trouble with […]

January 12, 2018 0

Morning Faces, and off to the Races!

By in brush pen, heads, pencil, Portraits

Eleanor Wachtel and Princess Di. What the hey! I don’t know who the guys are.

August 4, 2016 0


By in ballpoint pen, black and white, brush pen, heads, pen and ink, sketches

Some strange types, on a loose sheet of typing paper. Do they even call it “typing paper,” now? Copy paper, I guess. I still like drawing on it with pens.

June 28, 2016 0

Neil Smith Doodle

By in black and white, brush pen, heads, men, sketches

For someone who draws as many faces as I do, I find it hard to hit a likeness. But I’m happy with this little face of author Neil Smith I doodled in the margin of the Esplanade Editions book catalog. That glossy paper is very comfortable to draw on with the pentel brush pen. Hope […]

May 22, 2015 0

These Faces in a Crowd

By in brush pen, color, heads, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Petals on a wet, black bough. Seriously, yesterday I went to the Sartec mixer. That’s the Quebec union or group or whatever for French-speaking screenwriters. Got a couple of wires crossed. The meeting was taking place in the reserved salon, three stories up, and I was waiting downstairs in the bar. Met a nice couple […]

December 2, 2014 0

Faces from Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue and elsewhere

By in brush pen, heads, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

Did these over the summer, but somehow forgot to put them up. They are mainly from Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, when I was sitting in the open air market doing portraits. They’re brush pen and watercolours, mostly.

June 4, 2014 0

Backyard Sketches

By in black and white, brush pen, color, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

These are sketches from the backyard garden of my cherished friend. Above is a gingko tree, though it’s hard to tell. Below, a hair in the scanner, darn it. But I’m too lazy to erase it. The spindly-looking thing is a catalpa tree, which apparently takes a while to “leaf out.” I was using Asian […]

March 26, 2014 0

March 2014 Monthly Montreal Comic Jam

By in brush pen, collaboration, color, Coloured Pencils, montreal, Rick Gagnon, sketches

It’s been a while since I’ve shown my face at one of these. Also, the last post on this topic got wiped out in my server crash. Since it paid tribute to a late friend, I’m going to have to put it back together again. Still, even though I had to be reminded and coaxed, […]

October 4, 2012 0

Another New Sketchbook

By in black and white, brush pen, men, pencil, sketches, women

When I feel down, unlike people who buy a pair of shoes, I sometimes get one of these babies. Doesn’t take long to fill those rather small pages. The black Koh-i-Noor stick is nice, too. Hooray for seasonal sales at the art or stationery store! Terrible stuff to watch, last night, on the “Tube” (Youtube, […]

August 31, 2012 1

Chilling at the Montreal Comic Jam

By in black and white, brush pen, collaboration, Rick Gagnon

I’ve been occupied with things— haven’t really been blogging much. Also haven’t gotten out for a while to the monthly Montreal Comic Jam. That happens near the end of the month at a strange little bar in east downtown called l’Escalier. (“The Stairway”) Very studenty, hippie sort of bar…. Anyhow, the event has morphed into […]

May 23, 2012 0

More Faces

By in black and white, brush pen, cats, men, pen and ink, sketches, women

More faces, like it said up top, but this time I’m inking them with the brush pen, so they’re not as scratchy. Not sure which I prefer. Above are Liv Tyler from The Lord of the Rings, two faces from the DVD cover for “Sky Captain,” and the sinister Conrad Black, recently released from prison […]