Archive for August, 2011

August 5, 2011 2

Heroes and Ordinary People

By in dogs, men, watercolour, women

In the brush drawing, I’m imagining Wonder Woman’s frumpier, older cousin. I always think that these glamourous types have relatives who are less impressive, and jealous of them. This is Cyrano de Bergerac. In one of his works, he built himself a pair of wings, and flew to the moon. Gotta love that Cyrano! Then, […]

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August 3, 2011 0

Trials of Moms, etc.

By in men, watercolour, women

Lots of parents go by here, taking their charges (sometimes unhappy) to the nearby day care. May draw a few more, as there are all kinds. Just some more faces, with that yellow treatment I was speaking of:

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August 1, 2011 0


By in sketches, watercolour, women

I’m still messing with yellow, which gives a quality of “light” to my sketches. Of course, I also have to manage the lights and darks to make this work. This is some mad spaceship. I used to draw spaceships all the time as a kid, influenced by Star Trek and 2001 A Space Odyssey. I […]

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