November 21, 2016 0

First Snow

By in montreal, ruttan's place


My nice neighbour Sylvie is trying to coax a little declawed cat out from under a front porch around the corner. Unfortunately, she’s doing this by rapping with spoon on a closed can of cat food.

I think she’d do better with opening the can, leaving it a little distance away from the gap under the porch, and waiting quietly for the creature to come out. Mr. Boggedy was stuck under a back yard terrace when he was a young and stupider cat, and he only came out after dark.

I shovelled my own and the neighbour’s steps. There’s a nasty layer of ice under the snow, which was hard to get off.

Meanwhile, there are a lot of bikes chained to posts. Some of them falling over. I’m afraid they’re going to be turned into twisted scrap metal when the little snowplow tanks come whizzing by.

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