March 6, 2009 0

Dragon Broad

By in watercolour


This was a lot of work. Still, if I want one of these pictures to look less silly, I’d have to carefully plan it: do thumbnail drawings for composition, value studies so I could develop a proper colour palette, and then draw my figures from copy. This would involve multiple studies so the proportions and poses were right, and then my carefully arranging them, probably on the computer, or with paper cutouts. In more complex roughs I would work out the perspective and the lighting. Then I could be ready to painstakingly transfer the rough pencils to the watercolour paper. After all that, I could start painting, and the cat could still walk all over it.

Actually, if it were a commission, I would probably do something like that (except for the part with the cat). Instead, I’m sort of just drawing it all out of my head, and praying for the best. I don’t know.

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