I did some more of these, but I’ll put them up later. Good night again!
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, colour, horses, sketches, watercolour
I did some more of these, but I’ll put them up later. Good night again!
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, colour, horses, sketches, watercolour
Yesterday’s comic was my trying to do that. Get into a working routine that doesn’t take me too long (nobody’s paying for those pages yet! But they’re a lot of effort), and see what works. That means finding what I’d like to do, and in what style. Also, as I usually do with the sketches […]
Tags: Animals, ballpoint pen, black and white, cats, colour, comics, horses, men, sketches, women
Or just some random black and white cat. Nora, my new cat’s been getting bigger. She’s still the smallest of the gang, but it’s often hard to judge. There were some other drawings today, but this is the only one I could find to scan and post. Also, I’m not intending to slight the other […]
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, sketches
Hey, I can get you a great deal on a small tuxedo cat. Top of the line. All new fur. Very affectionate (if you know what I mean). So just come down to Ralph Weems car lot and ask for Ralph Weems. He’ll set you up with the cat of your dreams! We used to […]
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, sketches
Busy again, which is good. I’m doing some logo, graphic design things, which is new for me. I sketched this little version of my black and white cat, Nora which I like.
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, sketches
Tags: Animals, ballpoint pen, cats, men, sketches
Those seem to be my two modes of drawing (get your mind out of the gutter!) Further hindering me during these cold December days is Nora the cat, who thinks she owns my chair. If I’m sitting here, she’s sometimes below, looking up anxiously. I get up, and she takes over. i’m seriously thinking of […]
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, photos, ruttan's place, sketches
I used to write for art journals, and about art, in newspapers. I’ve been out of that world for a while. It seems a little different when you’ve been on the outside, though I still feel at home in a gallery or museum. Not everyone feels that way! Maybe I’m getting a little back into […]
Tags: Animals, cats, montreal, photos, visual art
These don’t need explaining, but I like to write a little. Above is Catwoman and a dog. Below, the creepy cowboy from Mulholland Drive. Next, some well-known author at a badly-attended book convention. I’ve sometimes dreamed about being able to fly to the ceiling at these things. Though I didn’t need Leo da Vinci wings. […]
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, comics, dogs, sketches, women
I installed Flash on this computer. I actually want to turn this into an image of her floating, and hope I can add the appropriate electric hum. Why? So I can learn some Flash! Thus far, all I can do is make a triangle jump abruptly from one side of the screen to the other. […]
Tags: Animals, cats, photos, ruttan's place
The cats are complete cute. They’re getting ready for winter:
Tags: Animals, cats, photos, ruttan's place
Was drawing a lot, late at night, in my tiny book. The tinyness helps me finish the drawings more quickly.
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, sketches, wash, women