Archive for the ‘sketches’ Category

April 6, 2016 0

Warm-Up Faces

By in sketches

I’ve not stopped drawing things, just gotten out of the habit of putting them up. Still banging away at digital painting, which I might share some other time. In the meantime, here are some warm-up faces. I draw tons of faces. I prefer to kind of originate things, rather than draw too closely to a […]

March 4, 2016 0

New Paintings

By in color, Jack's House of Cats, montreal, paintings, watercolor, watercolour

It’s been a while, but here are some new paintings for “Jack’s House of Cats.” Both of them are re-imagined a little. I snapped the Hotel Kent in the early 90s, when the sign was still up. But in this, I tried to picture what it was like in its “heyday.” The Bain Morgan is […]

March 4, 2016 0

Iffy Paper

By in color, Jack's House of Cats, montreal, paintings, ruttan's place, watercolor, watercolour

Found this sheet of sort of cardboard-y paper in my files. After my recent 1941 Whatman experience, I wondered whether this was one of my better types of paper (it was stored away, and did have “deckled” (ie. neatly torn) edges). It might have been Arches Cold Rolled, or some such thing. So I stretched […]

March 2, 2016 0

Further Sketchy Oddness

By in black and white, color, Coloured Pencils, dinosaurs, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

That strange animal was inspired by a person on a palaeontological art website who thought that sauropod dinosaurs might have had trunks. Probably not, but the idea led to an interesting-looking beast.

March 1, 2016 0


By in sketches

Sketches from the old school yearbook, and Star Trek.

February 19, 2016 0

Colour Combinations

By in color, Coloured Pencils, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

I’m trying out different colour combinations to see if anything twigs my interest. I have to admit that the yellow ochre underpainting thing is still my favourite, but I don’t want to use it as a crutch. Still, light in these paintings seems to be yellow. These aren’t actually “Wedgewood thumbnail roughs,” (that’s a old […]

February 18, 2016 0


By in black and white, Coloured Pencils, pencil, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Trying to do more “House of Cats” pictures, but I’m lacking inspiration. So I went to youtube and watched watercolour technique videos. People’s hands are fascinating, but in these videos you rarely see the faces. So, I drew the hands in watercolour pencil, and then drew the owners’ faces as I imagined them. [link] [link] […]

February 15, 2016 0

New Animation Studio

By in color, Coloured Pencils, heads, men, montreal, pencil, Portraits, self-promotion, sketches

Thrilled by the news that a new animation studio is opening up in Montreal (a side-effect, I think, of the low dollar making it more tempting for foreign operations to invest here. Not to mention the high number of talented artistic types in this city). In honour of that fact, I’ve done this amazing, highly-detailed […]

February 2, 2016 1

J. Whatman Antique Paper

By in paintings, ruttan's place, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

In the last post I was writing about painting on simple typing paper, and the (futile) effort of stretching it. Well, today I was stretching some old paper I had inherited from my late Mom’s stash of art materials, which I had taken with me to Montreal back in 1987 from our family home in Calgary. […]

January 30, 2016 0

Cheesy Paper

By in sketches

Sometimes it’s fun to do something completely against the rules, and find out how it works. In this case I found out that trying to stretch ordinary typing paper doesn’t work. Kind of fun to paint on with gouache, however.

January 18, 2016 0

Mr. Boggedy in the Front Room

By in cats, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Frustration today with Canada Post website, with which the latest technology and biggest brains in the nation (I’m sure), won’t let me figure out how much it will cost to send a painting to the USA. But at least while rummaging through old envelopes I found a cool picture of Mr. Boggedy in my front […]

January 12, 2016 0

Hard Cheese for Mister Boggedy

By in black and white, cats, pencil, sketches

It’s been a pretty hard morning to be a gentle, senior cat. First, he tries to walk by the old girl cat. He is hissed at and then swatted for his trouble. He then goes out into the hallway, where he is sniffed and then thwacked by the small cat. Happily it’s all quiet now, […]

January 5, 2016 0

Condolence Flowers for the family of Mme. Primeau

By in sketches

Someone I’ve known since 1991. She was born in 1916, passed away this Jan 2nd.

December 21, 2015 0

Nora Small Cat

By in cats, color, Nora the cat, watercolor, watercolour

Different kinds of paper lead to different results. This was a watercolour “block” which was slightly softer and “fluffier” than the paper I’ve been using.