From the small book, this time!
Tags: ballpoint pen, black and white, men, sketches, women
From the small book, this time!
Tags: ballpoint pen, black and white, men, sketches, women
A little more cozy with the pen and ink. Also, the drawing here’s more relaxed. Too many little guidelines, and maybe a degree of uptightness harms the art. I don’t mind putting up stuff I’m not too thrilled with, because the blog is about process. And, sometimes, stuff I’m not happy with, someone else loves, […]
Tags: black and white, men, sketches, women
For the title, thinking of Hokusai, who sometimes signed himself “Old Man Mad About Drawing.” When I drew this guy, I was watching Velvet Underground. My categories seem increasingly random. I’m not even sure what “Tags” are, so I don’t use them. I want to put in a Twitter and an RSS badge, but later. […]
Tags: black and white, colour, men, sketches, watercolour, women
Drawing and painting women today. Want to be a little more ambitious, but it’s tough in one’s old age. I will strive! The scanner’s all right for black and white, but really not good for colour. Expecially watercolour. Saw some new scanners for sale, might pick one up. I hate spending money, however.
Tags: black and white, colour, sketches, watercolour, women
Those seem to be my two modes of drawing (get your mind out of the gutter!) Further hindering me during these cold December days is Nora the cat, who thinks she owns my chair. If I’m sitting here, she’s sometimes below, looking up anxiously. I get up, and she takes over. i’m seriously thinking of […]
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, photos, ruttan's place, sketches
These don’t need explaining, but I like to write a little. Above is Catwoman and a dog. Below, the creepy cowboy from Mulholland Drive. Next, some well-known author at a badly-attended book convention. I’ve sometimes dreamed about being able to fly to the ceiling at these things. Though I didn’t need Leo da Vinci wings. […]
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, comics, dogs, sketches, women
Large, elaborate (for me) pen and ink drawing.
Tags: black and white, men, sketches, women
Was drawing a lot, late at night, in my tiny book. The tinyness helps me finish the drawings more quickly.
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, sketches, wash, women
After all that interesting real stuff, back to sketches. I drew this after the computer hung up while putting up the message that it was “negotiating” a video link. You know that if it takes time for this to happen, it’s not going to happen. Still, the word gave me this impression of frantic appeals […]
Tags: black and white, men, sketches
These are black ballpoint drawings in my moderately small sketchbook. Mainly drawn in bed, actually. I wonder if anyone else does this?
Tags: Animals, ballpoint pen, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, sketches
That’s just a (possibly misheard) song lyric from Wendy James, that I thought would make a neat title. Otherwise, these are new sketches, from my recent trip to Calgary to visit my Dad, who passed away. This and the other two below are from the Toronto Pearson Airport. Little horse, drawn on the plane: Server […]
Tags: Animals, ballpoint pen, black and white, horses, sketches
I’m blaming terrible personal stuff, which I may or may not write about, for the lack of blogging. But I’m still drawing things. So, I thought I’d throw some more up here, and try to do that daily. These are all from my mini-sketchbook. It’s hardbound, and about 3×5 inches. I like it. Sometimes it’s […]
Tags: ballpoint pen, black and white, sketches, women