…And evil cats! Devil Dog… Here’s smiling business guy: Anyhow, I’m offering you, in internet land, to have your own portrait, facebook photo, or twitter avatar, turned into your favourite monster, for hallowe’en, or indeed any time of year. Building the page right now where this would be possible. In the meantime, visit this page […]
Posts Tagged ‘sketches’
More Zombies
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, watercolour, womenBut they’re vegetarian Zombies, I tell you. I had the brainstorm, a little too close to Hallowe’en of offering to zombify, vamp or monsterize people’s twitter icons for that frightening evening. So, I’m drawing tons of zombies. Want to set up a web page where I can sell these, and other art things, but haven’t […]
A Short, Non-Zombie Break
By Jack Ruttan in sketches, womenJust to give you a breather amidst all the un-death, here’s a sketch of a Rhinemaiden from The Ring of the Nibelungen. There are three of them in the opera, Woglinde, Wellgunde, and Flosshilde. I guess this is Flosshilde. “Rhinegold” was also the name of an American beer it looks like they might be selling […]
Tags: ballpoint pen, sketches, women
More Zombies
By Jack Ruttan in sketches, watercolourOkay, I’m getting there. Excuse the weirdness! I’m noticing that the blank eyes seem to help in doing a zombie, but I don’t want to rely on that all the time. Also little flecks of blood. It’s raining cats and dogs outside, and seems to have done so all day, keeping me from errands I […]
Tags: sketches, watercolour, Zombies
Trying to do Zombies
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, watercolour, womenThat’s my thing at the moment. This is a link to some of my research material. One of those brilliant ideas I hope works, though I wish I had it earlier. We’ll see how it goes. Tough doing creepy monstrous stuff when you’re mainly used to cute and quirky. But always good to expand one’s […]
Call for Submissions: Lessons I learned from my Mother
By Jack Ruttan in sketchesA writer pal of mine sent this to me. She’s not as plugged in blog-wise as I am, (This has since changed: see here) so I thought I’d post it for her. Just wanted to add, she said she didn’t want “Chicken Soup” style stuff! (This is one of only two snapshots, the only photo […]
Funny faces and a Yellow Plane
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, watercolour, womenFeeling more confident about my watercolour work. That means, along with doing stuff in my books, I’ll work on some stretched, better-quality paper, which will make things smoother, and easier to scan. I like painting in the books, and putting a lot of effort into preparing something makes me nervous, and leads to bad drawings. […]
Wrapping Up the Sketchbook
By Jack Ruttan in dogs, men, sketches, watercolour, womenOne of my sketchbooks is almost full. So, I went through it, painted new pictures, and coloured old ones. That means a real grab-bag of images. Which are attractive? Which “work?” It’s interesting to figure out. The things I like the most are the ones that help tell a story. That means comic “strips,” (none […]
Tags: Animals, Brush Pen, colour, dogs, men, sketches, watercolour, women
Who? What?
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, watercolour, womenI can’t think of a title for this post. It’s just a lot of paintings, etc. I’ve been doing.
Tags: colour, men, sketches, watercolour, women
Party Pair
By Jack Ruttan in sketches, watercolour, womenOne of my more hipster-y sketchbook characters has picked up a partner I like a lot: Still working, sketching painting. In a better mood today, but the weather is changeable. Here, I was interested in spreading large areas of dark paint smoothly, which I’ve almost accomplished. That often leads to very dull drawings, which I […]
Tags: Brush Pen, colour, sketches, watercolour, women
Coming Back
By Jack Ruttan in sketches, watercolour, womenRecovering again, it seems, from a rebounded stomach flu. Amazing the lack of energy when that’s happening. But the energy’s back, which feels good. While actually doing other work, I dashed off a couple of things, which you can see here.
Tags: Animals, Brush Pen, colour, sketches, watercolour, women
Monochrome, but Bi-Planes and Tri-Planes.
By Jack Ruttan in dogs, men, sketches, watercolour, women… but first, a Moonbeam McSwine type. Most of the sketchbook drawings come about as a “hey, a dog would look nice over there,” or a lot of things on a page. Rarely any planning. Actually, I have to work on that. Setting myself a subject ahead of time, and accomplishing it.
Tags: Animals, Brush Pen, colour, dogs, men, planes, sketches, watercolour, women
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, watercolourJust a nautically-themed daub because of those ships I saw on the weekend. I may try a better painting of a sailing ship, but they’re hella complicated. And I hate it when the larboard mainsheet is connected to the mizzen, and all that. Too late for “talk like a Pirate day,” however, which is just […]
Old Port
By Jack Ruttan in montreal, sketches, watercolourOff to the Old Port yesterday. I’ve been pretty tired lately. Don’t know why that is. Anyhow, I drew some of the sailing ships which had docked there, (on my other blog, don’t ask why — I haven’t quite figured it out), and painted this building. I’ve painted it before, when it wasn’t quite as […]
Tags: montreal, sketches, watercolour