April 11, 2009 0

Another Big Whack of Drawings

By in sketches


More faces, this time drawn with fellow artist and bon vivant Rick Gagnon, during our weekly soirée at the Cock N’ Bull bar. Above it’s my worst enemy, the phony film director guy who wants me to work for him for no money. He’s not at all like the real directors I know, who actually make films.

Rick had brought a book of War Comics with him, so business guy below got a prison camp background. Slave labour is good business sense!

This cool profile below I asked Rick to ink as quickly as he could. It turned out pretty good:

Two bar characters. The guy in front looked different when I drew him. Now he looks like Tom Hanks. But that’s the kind of thing that happens when you’ve got another hand interpreting your scribbles:
I love the impression of “Tony” the colourful busboy guy, in behind. Rick skipped his pen early on, making that stroke across Tony’s forehead. He wanted to make it into a sombrero, but I think that would have been tragic. Great blacks spotted in this pic as well. I’m still learned how to add the blacks.

Sadly, Rick will be in New York next week, slumming and having drinks with Dirty Danny Hellman, while I starve away back here in Montreal. So, no Gagnon Fridays next week. I’ll have to work my own drawings for a while.

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