June 14, 2012 0

Another New Sketchbook

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, cats, dogs, men, sketches, women


That’s about the size of it. This one is cheaper, and fits not too badly into the scanner. I’ve been away drawing things, so I thought I may as well put up everything I’ve been doing until now in one blow.


These were drawn with a pilot frixion gel pen, which has the virtue of being erasable. So, no pencil underdrawing, and no whiteout if there are terrible mistakes!



That’s part of my friend’s back yard, where I’ve been spending a little time with her and her cat.


She told me a story about a silly dog who peed on a street artist’s painting. Instant sale I should think, unless the dog owner scampered!



My friend contributed a little drawing (lower left) and some words, while I was out looking for beer!

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