Years ago, I had the notion that I would make a drawing of every author or poet I heard read, and make some sort of collection. That pledge went by the boards years ago, but I still enjoy drawing people at readings. Not even necessarily the reader. Also the people listening, if I can sit near the front, and steal looks without the subject noticing. People look very good at readings, because they are paying attention (or are amusingly bored), and they sit still for a long time.
This event was a celebration for poet Steve Luxton, at the Atwater Library in Montreal, last Sunday the 25th of November, 2012. Pleasant stories mixed with poems, then hobnobbing, with home-made wine in the library. Earlier this year I had attended another event featuring many of the same people, but didn’t include a sketch of Steve, who is in the background here — the smallest figure.
Nice sketch. I like the story behind it, as well.