I’m only getting around to this now (I have a lot of blog posts — mainly stories and photos, backed up. Well, at least one more!)
Above is yours truly, along with Sradj Mohamed, a true gentleman. He was the most recent owner of the Laundromat I’ve been going to for 20 years, down the street on rue de Rouen. Sad to say it’s gone out of business, since the beginning of July.
Sradj comes from Syria, where he was a teacher. The laundromat wasn’t that well-kept or busy, but he could be seen in front repairing clothing, or typing in Arabic on his computer. I wonder what he was writing?
He’s a devout man, and would take time out to unroll his prayer mat, and pray. He also taught me how to count in arabic: “wahid, ithini, thalassa, arbat,…” and would sometimes offer me a strong, sweet coffee.
I miss the place now, and not just because it was cheaper than the other laundromats in the area. I hope Sradj finds success in the future. Shukran!