October 2, 2009 4

Serveurs Sexy?

By in montreal


Remember my note about the Laundromat on my street that closed? Well, the windows got whited out, and renovations have been going on. As I was going by on my bike a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a sign on the front door underneath the usual work permit:


It reads: “Opening Soon: Restaurant – Sexy Servers!” And gives some names.

That’s daring. Usually the word is “Serveuses” – female gender. There are actually a few strip clubs near the busier streets, and a “Sexy Serveuse” restaurant as well. Even at one time, an “Erotic Carwash” east of here (since closed).

I was amused enough to take a picture with my ever-ready little camera, but decided pretty quickly that this was a practical joke, probably among the renovators. After all, “coming soon” signs don’t often name the employees.

Anyhow, I got e-mail from a fellow local blogger (check out his site!) saying that people in the neighbourhood had seen the sign, and were sincerely worried. After all, they didn’t want quiet Rouen street to become part of the Red Light district. (it sort of has been, at least around the area. I can still sometimes see crack hookers hanging out on rue Dufresne, near busier Ontario street, right out my window.

In years earlier, you could also be picking up syringes and condoms on the street, and sometimes unconscious people. But this neighbourhood is changing now, becoming more gentrified. Lots of kids with parents of all kinds of ethnicities. Even English can be heard spoken around here now, in this once solidly French area.)

At my advice, my friend did the sleuth work, competent internet journalist that he is. He passed by when the door was open, and asked what they were building. Turns out the laundromat is becoming a private residence. How boring. And the “Serveurs” sign has been taken down.

I’m of two minds. I don’t miss the junkies in the bus shelters, the scary punks, and the crime. But nothing’s wrong with a hint of spice amidst the blandness. It was kind of fun to point to the “erotic carwash.”

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4 Responses to “Serveurs Sexy?”

  1. […] octobre 3, 2009 · Laisser un commentaire The “internet journalist” mentioned in this blog is me but I can’t actually take credit for doing the investigative work as it was somebody else I know that finally knocked on the door in question to uncover the truth behind this story… what am I talking about?  Read here and find out. […]

  2. Eric says:

    I was hoping that the restaurant bit was true… something is needed near there to sister the polish shop.

  3. Jack says:

    Used to be a nice bakery, just around the corner, across from the park. Bread for those tasty Polish Sausages. But I prefer Wawel’s.

  4. George E. says:

    I was wondering myself what happend to Mr. Sradj Mohamed, the owner of the quaint laundry with the best prices around for dry cleaning. Definitely a gentleman. You were wondering what he was writing? Sradj was a highly literate fellow and a known poet in his home country. He showed me articles that mentioned his works and was rightfully quite proud of it.
    I was surprised and bummed out when I arrived at his shop and the doors were closed and equipment gone. No sign posted on the door “we are moving to…” I don’t know where he went… I feared that maybe he had suddenly been taken with a severe illness or even worse. I didn’t just miss the low price on dry-cleaning or the hand-stitched repairs, it was also his always genteel and disarming reception- the way he never gave a receipt but always remembered who you were and where the pile of stuff you left was hanging.
    I’d like to find him again and see how he is doing and let him know he is remembered.


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