Archive for the ‘cats’ Category

April 28, 2018 0

Pages from One of My Sketchbooks.

By in black and white, cats, color, Coloured Pencils, Gouache, sketches, watercolour

There’s a lot that I draw that I don’t put up. Trying to remedy that a bit. It’s not all brilliance, but here it is. Pencil, coloured pencil, Gouache. I think that’s covered it, technique-wise.

April 6, 2018 0


By in cats, digital

January 14, 2018 0

Tabby Cat

By in cats, digital, Jack's House of Cats, paintings, sketches

Digital kitty drawing, drawn on the tiny computer, which hasn’t got a great display.

January 2, 2018 0

Nora Again

By in cats, Gouache, Nora the cat, sketches, watercolour

A little gouache painting of Nora. Being quiet for a change.

December 26, 2017 0

Cat Protection

By in cats, digital

A plausible cat outfit for the current weather. They seem not to need booties.

June 21, 2017 1

Mr. Boggedy

By in black and white, cats, pencil

May 11, 2017 0

3D Tabby

By in Blender 3D, cats

3D tabbers and mouse. I have to work on whiskers, I’m afraid, Next comes hair, which will be spooky. This is the rug I have in my hallway.

April 22, 2017 0

Cat Drawings

By in cats, Coloured Pencils, pencil, sketches

Coloured pencil.

February 25, 2017 1

Mr. Birtwhistle

By in cats, Coloured Pencils, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

An imaginary watercolour pencil cat.

February 7, 2017 0

Page of Blue (with Pallas Cat)

By in cats, Coloured Pencils, pencil, sketches

Page of things in blue.

February 1, 2017 0

Digital Mr. Boggedy

By in cats, digital, sketches

January 28, 2017 0

Schmall Cat in Coloured Pencil

By in cats, color, Coloured Pencils, pencil, watercolor, watercolour

Not really a Nora cat, but a tuxling.

January 27, 2017 1

Nora, From Above

By in cats, color, Nora the cat, Portraits, watercolor, watercolour

December 22, 2016 0

Coloured Pencil Things

By in cats, color, Coloured Pencils, heads, pencil, sketches, women