Archive for the ‘digital’ Category

February 16, 2018 0

Colourful Background People

By in digital, heads, sketches

I’ve always liked the “cloud brush” in Photoshop. Again, I feel the purely digital people are getting better with practice. I can also scan in some pencil drawings from the book, and colour those, as well!

February 2, 2018 0

Tom Swift

By in Blender 3D, digital

I did this for a Facebook “challenge,” meaning there was a call for illustrations on the subject of “Tom Swift and his [adjective] [adjective] [noun]. I used it as a chance to practice my 3D spaceships and various digital chops. I could rant a little about the non-user friendliness of the program Blender, but I’m […]

January 30, 2018 0

Digital Character

By in digital, heads, paintings, Portraits, sketches

January 19, 2018 1

Bronze Age Hoard

By in Blender 3D, digital

It’s either that, or a child’s playset. At any rate, I’m childishly thrilled that I can create realistic-looking objects out of my head using the Blender 3D software. The carpet was kind of an accident. #b3d

January 14, 2018 0

Tabby Cat

By in cats, digital, Jack's House of Cats, paintings, sketches

Digital kitty drawing, drawn on the tiny computer, which hasn’t got a great display.

January 10, 2018 0

Childhood Friends and a Cryptic Motto

By in color, digital, heads, Portraits, sketches

January 2, 2018 0


By in digital, sketches

A doodle I made answering @inkyelbows challenge [link here] You can see other responses via the hashtag #2018doodle . Thought I should have it here in my blog. Don’t know why I thought of Star Wars. Guess it’s the recent movie, which I haven’t seen.

December 26, 2017 0

Cat Protection

By in cats, digital

A plausible cat outfit for the current weather. They seem not to need booties.

December 25, 2017 0

Dog-shaped Thing

By in digital

I’ve seen some very strange dog-shaped synthetic-sheathed things walking around.

December 24, 2017 0

Digital Sketchbook

By in digital

I wish I could set up a digital sketchbook, analogous to the paper sketchbooks I have so many of. I guess I can confine all my sketches to a file folder, which I can look at. Happy with how my digital things are looking, finally. I have the feeling I can draw anything I can […]

December 22, 2017 0

Edmund Bertram

By in digital, men

I stole the pattern for the background from my Dover Book of Ornament. Which was fun to do.

September 18, 2017 0

Digitally Blonde

By in digital

Despite difficulties with hardware, I’m very happy with how the digital work seems to be progressing. Colours are a hard thing to get around, mainly because the palette here is potentially infinite. I’m also getting better at fixing things up, because the line of the stylus rarely goes where you want it to, so you […]

August 28, 2017 0

Digital Dame

By in digital, heads, women

Digital painting, on the bigger computer again. Trying to do what’s called “glazing,” using my “natural brushes.”

June 18, 2017 1

Quick Cyclops

By in color, digital

Darn. So much more to share. I used to post everything I drew/created! Oh well, here’s this guy.