Archive for the ‘digital’ Category

February 8, 2015 0

Old Guy in Suit

By in digital, sketches

February 7, 2015 0

Jet Girl

By in digital, pencil, sketches

February 5, 2015 0

Further Landscapes

By in color, digital, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

In pure watercolours, and digital. These are more like blots. But I promise to pay attention to lighting, and colour, and make them more illusionistic.

January 28, 2015 0

This Guy

By in color, digital, sketches

Not working on this too hard… Still, working on putting more things into this blog, and posting more regularly.

January 22, 2015 0

Ugly Art is Fun

By in color, digital

Pretty art is fun too. But there’s a lot of ugly in the system that needs to get out.

January 2, 2015 0

Grumpy Character

By in digital

December 30, 2014 0

Silhouette Cat

By in cats, digital

This is a digital drawing where I started with a silhouette painted with a large brush, and then filled in highlights and details with smaller brushes.

December 27, 2014 0

Star Trek Guy

By in digital

This Star trek dude has no reason to be smug. He’s wearing a red shirt.

November 17, 2014 0

Paintings of Guys

By in digital, sketches

Going to try to do slightly more exciting things than these. But the computer painting is working not so badly.

November 7, 2014 0

Computer Sketch

By in digital

This is a drawing I was messing with while hanging out at a friend’s, waiting for some work to be completed. I’ve been doing other drawings, both on the computer, and on paper, but have been lax posting them as of late.

August 17, 2014 0

Digital Woman

By in color, digital, women

I thought the tear helped make the picture. Still not as fun for me as watercolour.

June 25, 2014 0

Computer-Painted Characters

By in color, digital, heads, men, paintings, women

My computer-painted characters are quicker and more satisfying to draw. I had to reach back into my experience mixing acrylic paints to think of the right kinds of shadows. Still, I feel more confident that I can paint in a pleasant way any subject that occurs to me. Backgrounds and bodies soon to come.

June 13, 2014 0

Cool Colours

By in color, digital, heads

Trying to do shadows, contrasts, in a different colour palette. Still a ways to go, but I’m happier with some aspects. Seems to take a lot of practice.

May 24, 2014 0

Intense faces and others

By in digital, heads, paintings

One nice thing about drawing on the computer is that you can rework things infinitely. Squish ’em up, stretch them, repaint seamlessly, etc. These two drawings were absolute messes, but I’m sort of happy with them now. Still a ways to go in technique.