Archive for the ‘digital’ Category

May 24, 2014 0

Church Ladies and Sad Girls

By in color, digital, paintings

Drawn on the computer with my Wacom tablet. From my imagination. I don’t know why I’ve drawn these women in a church setting, but I was reading a fantasy story with a stern priestess in it, and my friend has been going to a church. This one makes me think of the Bruce Springsteen song […]

March 31, 2014 0

Random Sketches

By in black and white, digital, heads, pencil, sketches

Had a terrible scare the other night with this site. Not going to talk about it online for fear of summoning the devil. But that can rest for now, and I’ll do a comprehensive backup of all this stuff. For now, I’ll just put up some things I’ve been drawing, more as an exercise for […]

March 14, 2014 0


By in color, digital, heads, women

I love drawing different types of people. So boring always the same colour of skin. Doing these things fast and furiously seems to help. I may actually fix them later.

March 14, 2014 0

Tyrian from Game of Thrones

By in digital, heads

I just did this and have no idea whether it’s good or not. Fun to do. I may get sour on it later.

February 18, 2014 0

The Ascension Trilogy Book One — Sins of the Father

By in collaboration, digital, ruttan's place, writing

I enjoyed doing this book cover for Thelonious Legend, a new author. It’s a young adult story, but really looks to me like one of these cool “underground” or Beat books from the early 1960s. Sounds like a cool story. He’s putting it out himself in various formats. Visit the links below to see: […]

February 1, 2014 0

Some Anonymous Woman

By in color, digital, women

I’m getting used to the idea that most of my drawings not done from a photograph will be slightly cockeyed and spidery. Still adventuring in the digital realm, however. For better or worse.

January 29, 2014 0


By in color, digital

Was practicing making little crescent moons with the “pathfinder” tool in photoshop, which is a pain, sometimes. It finally worked, so I drew this to go with it.

January 21, 2014 0

What? A title?

By in black and white, color, digital

This is a rough for a project I was a little worried about, but which turned out all right. Will share that later, when it comes out. Fond of showing you a bit of process. It’s my incredibly detailed rough. All I had to do after was to build a full-size set, hire models, and […]

January 19, 2014 0

Further ramblings

By in black and white, color, digital, dinosaurs

I’ve been drawing much more than I’ve been putting up. Still entranced with digital, but I’m beginning not to care what’s what. I’ve got stacks of sketchbooks, but can organise the computer things, as well. This one is unfinished, but I put it here to give you a look into my process.

January 2, 2014 0

Vincent Price

By in black and white, digital, heads, men, paintings

January 2, 2014 0

Digital Portraits

By in black and white, digital, heads, paintings

I watched this Youtube video, and it actually gave me some inspiration in terms of portraits from photographs. I drew these three in about an hour, not trying to censor myself, but paying attention to edges, and the placement of things.

December 31, 2013 0

Still More Computer Paintings

By in color, digital, sketches

I can hardly call them “sketches” since they don’t fit in a book. I don’t think much about what I’m doing ahead of time. Hence all the grouchy faces. Still, I enjoy the medium. The one big deal is that computer drawings are hardly ever finished. You do something on paper, it’s done. If something’s […]

December 30, 2013 0

Something with a background

By in color, digital

Not sleeping. Trying to draw backgrounds at the moment, with this little computer. Wonder what it looks like on a larger screen! Really want to keep it loose, see what happens.

December 21, 2013 0

Another Fairly Demented Computer Painting

By in color, digital

I don’t know. These are fun. I still think I’ve got the digital painting thing, but there is always something new to learn. Afraid I’ve been neglecting my watercolour, however.