Archive for the ‘digital’ Category

December 20, 2013 0

Derpy Girl

By in color, digital

April 13, 2013 1

Cover Girl

By in Coloured Pencils, digital

I sort of really hate copying other people’s illustrations, but I learned a lot about hair here. She’s on the cover of this book about digital painting, which actually doesn’t tell you a lot about how to do digital painting (but does give you some tips and techniques if you already know what you’re doing. […]

April 11, 2013 1

A Need to Relax

By in ballpoint pen, digital, paintings, women

It’s actually been a trying time lately. But I’m happy with where these are going. Strange that the cross-hatching looks good, but I rarely use it on watercolours. Feel like it’s cheating, in the same way as a lot of these computer tools I’m using. I think this stems back to when my late mom […]

January 11, 2013 0

This is the Future

By in digital, sketches

A drawing achieved with Google Sketchup. Creating such things and then drawing over them solves a lot of perspective and shadowing problems!

January 7, 2013 0

Digital Dallyance

By in color, digital, men, paintings, sketches, women

I’m happier now with how the digital painting has been going. As I’ve been writing there are a lot of controls and switches to master, plus the stylus has a different feeling than a pencil, and is less precise (at least in my hands). But practice is helping, plus the memory of colour mixing for […]

January 4, 2013 0

Relative Fandoms

By in comics, digital, sketches

My first Venn Diagram, inspired by a comment from a friend of mine in Facebook. People are already complaining about this over at Facebook, but maybe I can beat The Oatmeal.

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December 19, 2012 0

Christmas Card

By in cats, color, digital

Sent out all my Christmas cards today. Here’s the design I used. Merry Christmas, everyone!

December 18, 2012 0

Digital Painting is Tough

By in color, digital, heads, paintings, sketches, women

I don’t know if it’s wise to put one’s trials up, but this is a blog about process, and I try to put up most of what I draw. Actually, I know I’ve been rather sporadic lately, and will try to remedy that. Still, digital painting in Photoshop is a fascinating process, even though the […]

December 10, 2012 0

Digital Doodling

By in color, digital, paintings, sketches

I’ve been doing a lot of work with my digital art, in Photoshop, with a stylus. Not as much control over the lines and strokes yet, as with more traditional media. But it’s coming along. Still, I’m shy of putting them up, because not many of them are “ready for Prime time,” at least in […]

December 5, 2012 0


By in ballpoint pen, black and white, cats, color, digital, pen and ink, pencil, women

These are almost automatic drawings I do, while watching movies on the DVD machine, or petting cats. Cross-hatching is fun for me, but there’s almost no end to it. You simply have to stop, rather than declare something finished. The bonus this time is a little coloured cat picture:

November 19, 2012 0

This is still fun.

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, digital, heads, men, sketches

Some more sketchbook items, digitally enhanced. I like the texture in the one above, which comes from the back of my work chair Nora the cat enjoys savaging. Textures make digital things more interesting. Above was drawn with a ball point pen. Below is from a photo of Yours Truly, with a black pencil. The […]

September 27, 2012 0


By in ballpoint pen, black and white, color, digital, horses, pencil, women

Still drawing. Feeling a little burnt out, however.

September 22, 2012 0

More heads, literary and otherwise.

By in black and white, digital, heads, pencil, sketches

Been drawing a lot of heads, mainly in pencil, for digital painting. It’s a process. I don’t feel as if these are terribly ready, but I wanted to share the process.

September 18, 2012 0


By in digital, paintings

I’m colouring more little sketches via Photoshop and my Wacom stylus. While it’s still not a gorgeous drawing, I’ve used a number of effects here, and am not flipping through layers accidentally. What’s that mean, the non-Photoshop user asks? It means the process is so involved, you can’t even complain about it to a non-specialist. […]