Since the drawings I did for “Rank the Prank” are part of the broadcast, and give away surprises in the show, I’m beavering away at creating similar things which show off how I’ve advanced with the digital painting thing. This is always hard because I’m never certain about my work. Also, it’s been a bit […]
Archive for the ‘sketches’ Category
Off-Model George Jetson
By Jack Ruttan in ballpoint pen, black and white, sketchesBernie Mireault and his Jetsonian efforts inspired me to make a doodle of George Jetson, unencumbered by reference to the real thing.
Dig Pigs
By Jack Ruttan in ballpoint pen, comics, montreal, watercolor, watercolourThis morning I was annoyed at all the construction noise outside, so drawing this felt like a good way to get rid of my frustrations. The title “Dig Pigs” is from graffiti I saw on one of this city’s ubiquitous “ROAD CLOSED” signs. It made me laugh.
Colour Pictures
By Jack Ruttan in color, montreal, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolourGoths
By Jack Ruttan in ballpoint pen, black and white, brush pen, heads, pen and ink, sketchesSome strange types, on a loose sheet of typing paper. Do they even call it “typing paper,” now? Copy paper, I guess. I still like drawing on it with pens.
Further Sketchbookery.
By Jack Ruttan in ballpoint pen, black and white, color, pen and ink, pencil, sketches, watercolor, watercolourI need to find a better title for these sorts of posts, because the headings are getting a little repetitive. Anyhow, I bought a new sketchbook, and here are some things I’ve been drawing in it, recently. Faces, science-fictiony things like monsters and spaceships. I’ve been working on work a lot, and can’t show those […]
Two-Two-Two-Oh, rue Parthanais
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, montreal, pencil, sketchesDrat, forgot the little fruit juice bottle full of water, so this is pencil only. This is the artists’ co-op on Parthenais street. Someone trusted me enough to let me watch their bike as I sketched this. Glad they weren’t away for too long.
Digital Watercolours
By Jack Ruttan in digital, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolourKyle Webster has an excellent selection of digital brushes that work with Photoshop. Here’s an early effort. It’s a pretty good facsimile of something I could have knocked out in a couple of minutes (minus drying time) in “traditional media,” but it’s nice to have these tools.
Mrs. Birtwhistle & Mr. Boggedy
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, cats, pencil, sketches, womenBonus blackwinging. Mrs. Birtwhistle and Mr. Boggedy.
Blackwing-ing It.
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, pencil, sketchesMy friend bought a box of the famous Blackwing Pencils (read about them at this link.) They were deluxe pencils made for animators and artists in the 20th century, and the company went out of business. Now they’re being made again, for the same market that buys Moleskine Notebooks and other pricey stationery items. I […]
Neil Smith Doodle
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, brush pen, heads, men, sketchesFor someone who draws as many faces as I do, I find it hard to hit a likeness. But I’m happy with this little face of author Neil Smith I doodled in the margin of the Esplanade Editions book catalog. That glossy paper is very comfortable to draw on with the pentel brush pen. Hope […]
By Jack Ruttan in color, paintings, sketches, watercolorSquirrel in my friend’s tree.
By Jack Ruttan in ballpoint pen, black and white, pen and ink, sketchesThis is a little sketch I drew for my friend, on a scrap of scratch paper. She thought I was trying to spell the word “FOOT” with the background handrails, and the bike wheels. But this is just a coincidence.
Various Sketchbook Pages
By Jack Ruttan in color, heads, horses, men, pencil, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, womenVarious items from the sketchbook. I’m trying to work out of my comfort zone. The last two are more like what I usually enjoy doing. I love horses. Worked at a horse farm for one summer. Trying here for more “frosty colours, rather than the warm tones I often use. I’ve got better ideas about […]