Was drawing a lot, late at night, in my tiny book. The tinyness helps me finish the drawings more quickly.
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, sketches, wash, women
Was drawing a lot, late at night, in my tiny book. The tinyness helps me finish the drawings more quickly.
Tags: Animals, black and white, cats, Nora the cat, sketches, wash, women
Just a couple of watercolour sketches. Still decompressing from recent events. Trying to catch up on work, as well.
Tags: colour, men, sketches, watercolour, women
Tags: sketches, watercolour, women
I’m blaming terrible personal stuff, which I may or may not write about, for the lack of blogging. But I’m still drawing things. So, I thought I’d throw some more up here, and try to do that daily. These are all from my mini-sketchbook. It’s hardbound, and about 3×5 inches. I like it. Sometimes it’s […]
Tags: ballpoint pen, black and white, sketches, women
Been neglecting blogging a little, thanks to Twitter, and this new contract. But I’m still drawing stuff. Going to scan it and put it up, because that’s what I like doing. Here we are!
Tags: black and white, colour, men, sketches, watercolour, women
Street guys: Street kid: Street Pug Dog: Street cute chick:
Tags: Animals, colour, dogs, ruttan's place, sketches, watercolour, women
The local Eco Quartier (a little neighbourhood org. that does recycling, gardening, and ecologically-oriented projects) visited the lane behind my apartment, which was generally a down at the heels place, full of burdock and junk. They instigated a project of planting a garden back there. It’s part of an initiative called ruelle verte. Notice these […]
Tags: cats, montreal, photos, Plants, Ruelle Verte, ruttan's place, women
My browser wasn’t cooperating, and I wasn’t going to be able to post these pictures. But something shook loose. Leading off above is a B-Day card for a friend, who likes military things. Below, a walking girl: And a woman director: Random guys on a page:
Tags: black and white, men, planes, sketches, women