March 25, 2025 0

Train Doodles and More

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, brush pen, color, Coloured Pencils, digital, Gouache, heads, paintings, pen and ink, pencil, Portraits, self-promotion, sketches, Uncategorized, watercolor, watercolour, women

It’s a new sketchbook! These things are expensive. I’m thinking I should be like Chester Brown, and not worry about my legacy. Because I’ll be gone, and then people can fight over the old books, if they want to….

March 23, 2025 0

Sunday Cat

By in brush pen, cats, color, Coloured Pencils, Jack's House of Cats, paintings, pencil, self-promotion, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Watercolour drawing of a catInaugurating a new sketchbook!

March 15, 2025 0

March 15 Post

By in black and white, heads, machines, montreal, pencil, Portraits, ruttan's place, self-promotion, sketches, women



It’s sometimes very spooky writing these. I drew this in my sketchbook yesterday, based on people I was sitting near, while I was riding on the train to go see my friend in her Care Centre. I scanned the drawing this morning, and retouched it in the other room. The car is still out of perspective.

But there are tools in my computer software to help me draw in perspective. That might cost me more money, I’m not sure. But I was just sitting in my room scratching away with my cheap pencils in my Dollarama sketch book. Not doing anything for the ages….

I have no idea what the symbol on the left hand side means. Why I wrote the number twelve…. but now it resembles Superman’s insignia…. I drew the circles above by tracing around the lid of my cap for my eyeglass cleaner container. Only the cap must have come from an earlier bottle of cleaner, because it doesn’t fit on the current one. Anyways, I’m typing a lot. But mostly to myself.

March 12, 2025 0

Cats and Comedy

By in brush pen, cats, color, Gouache, men, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Gouache Painting of brown cat

Was watching comedy last night on CBC TV. I’m afraid I feel a little like the squirrel in this drawing….

Gouache and brush pen drawing of comedian and squirrel

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March 10, 2025 0


By in ballpoint pen, color, digital, Gouache, heads, paintings, pen and ink, pencil, Portraits, self-promotion, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

Watercolour picture of Chrystia Freeland

Instead of doing important drawings for which there is a firm deadline, I watched politics on my big TV instead. Lots of long speeches. I liked Chrystia Freeland’s face, so I drew that in my Dollarama sketchbook, with my amazing Winsor and Newton Series 150 Chinese brush.

I don’t know if it’s actually a Chinese brush, if it’s made in the U.K. But I won’t worry about that. I’ll work on those illustrations today….

March 9, 2025 0

Red Gothic Guy in Gouache

By in Gouache, heads, men, paintings, ruttan's place, sketches, watercolour

I’m happy that this is posting, because I’m not too thrilled with my digital painting program at the moment. Maybe it’s calmed down now, and recognizes me. I also put my thumb drive in the pocket of my fuzzy sweater, because I wanted to print something at the library. But the library printer only prints text, not graphics. My home printer only works with Windows 7, and needs cleaning. It’s a Samsung CLP something-or-another, and likely they’ve stopped making ink for it.

I think I’ve ticked all the proper boxes at the side. Anyways, I’m doing more paintings, in watercolour with a little bit of digital. I hope it works!

March 2, 2025 0

Anne Hathaway

By in black and white, Gouache, heads, paintings, Portraits, self-promotion, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

This is supposed to be Anne Hathaway from The Devil Wears Prada. It looks a little like her….

March 1, 2025 0

Hairy Guy in Green

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, heads, pen and ink, self-promotion, sketches

Pen and ink drawing of a hairy guy. Drawn last year, at least according to the number beside the signature. I’ll try to get into comics more, eventually! Got some interesting old family stuff, as well. So I can post a bit of that, too.

February 28, 2025 0

Clip Studio Trees

By in color, digital, ruttan's place, self-promotion, sketches, Uncategorized

Digital painting of trees

Here’s a painting I made in Clip Studio Paint, with my $80 Huion Tablet, which I bought years ago. I’m just trying stuff out.

I like the “Add Texture” feature of the program, which makes it look like you’ve used real paper.

February 27, 2025 0

Ugly Yoda

By in Coloured Pencils, heads, pen and ink, pencil, ruttan's place, self-promotion, sketches


Coloured pencil drawing of Yoda as an ugly guy.  This is just another page from my Dollarama Sketchbook. I used to have a deal where I would post whatever I drew that day, whether it was nice or not, but I’m trying to get back into nicer paintings.

So watch this space. (I’ve got a lot of updating to do on my website and such….)

February 24, 2025 0

Garlic People

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, brush pen, heads, Jack's House of Cats, men, old comics, pen and ink, ruttan's place, self-promotion, sketches, women

Here are some garlic people for Patti, my former showrunner turned chef, and a little R. Crumb-like drawing.

February 20, 2025 0

Sketchbooks and word balloons

By in color, Coloured Pencils, comics, digital, heads, men, ruttan's place, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Not totally sure about the angry guy face, but that’s what’s happening at the moment in my sketchbooks. The person in the snow suit was real. No penguin, though. That was in honour of Matthew Brown, who sent me a hard copy of his book this week. Penguin Detective — The Case of No Case.

February 18, 2025 0


By in cats, color, Jack's House of Cats, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Here’s another painting from about 2014, of my friend’s cat, Amazon, in her back garden.

February 17, 2025 0

My Friend’s Back Yard

By in cats, Jack's House of Cats, paintings, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

This is from an older sketchbook, so I suppose it qualifies as “archival.” It’s my friend’s back yard, with her cat, and even a portrait of her, on the left hand side, and Yours Truly on the right.
She hated being photographed, and, I’m assuming, would have hated being painted. But here you are….