June 4, 2010 0

New Things

By in cats, dogs, men, sketches, watercolour, women


Painted a ton of little pictures I’m pretty happy with. Above, is Mr. Boggedy on the balcony.

Serious Guy. That’s also the view from my Balcony, but he’s just imaginary.

More funny little pictures. The edges are masked with painter’s tape. The green type with slightly less tack, which can be “left on for 60 days,” or so the maker claims.

More characters. Upper and lower class. Again, I’m using yellow underpainting for that feeling of “warm light.”

A sketchbook page. More masked-off little paintings, and me with my new goatee, and the cats.
Sketchbook page - with me and cats.

And a woman’s face, again with that “light.” Plus a frieze of walkers on the sidewalk across the street.

Lastly, a dog walker. I tried to catch the sense of him being pulled along. These beasts can do that, and some owners are literally scooting by!

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