July 4, 2010 0

Avoidin’ the Blog!

By in dogs, sketches, watercolour, women


Sorry about that. There are actually tons of sketches, etc. to post. I did this picture today of a female comics artist with an Icelandic firedog.

It’s very cozy this evening on the balcony stairs, twittering, and typing, and watching people walk by. Couple on the next balcony are snogging, which is a little awkward, but you don’t get much privacy here.

Unfortunately, I gave up my old laptop, which can connect with the parallel port on my scanner, to a friend who’s off to Vancouver for a month to try and write a novel. I can still use the scanner, but I have to reconstruct my old huge Windows 98 computer, and it’s powerfully slow. Still, the camera works, for snaps of the drawings.

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