This is a painting I did this morning. Not a masterpiece, and nothing to do with Christmas, but I learn by doing things, and painting makes me feel good. Dollarama Watercolour paper, about 5 x 7 inches.
Author Archive
Firecat and Two Guys
By Jack Ruttan in brush pen, cats, color, heads, Jack's House of Cats, men, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolourWitch Lady with Cat
By Jack Ruttan in paintings, watercolorMy blog still seems to be working, but please bear with me as I upgrade it from the 1990’s version of WordPress. I’ll include links here to where this is officially going on the web, once I figure them out. This picture was more for Halloween, and was illustrating someone’s story. A much more famous […]
Tags: watercolour
Trees and Kid
By Jack Ruttan in heads, men, paintings, Portraits, sketches, watercolourI’m watercolouring again. Using the cheap paper, but still, it’s good to get into things. I did the kid separately, and then digitally pasted him in. So, it’s a combination digital/watercolour work, if you want to be technical about it.
Lunch with Friends
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, brush pen, heads, montreal, pen and ink, Portraits, Rick Gagnon, sketchesHad lunch with a couple of cartoonist friends. Richard Gagnon, Éric Theriault, and Kurt Beaulieu. Got them to draw things in one of my old sketchbooks. Whee! Almost like the good old days, except what’s older are us three…. This was done with my Pentel Brush Pen, which I promptly lost later in the day. […]
Roses and Wildflowers
By Jack Ruttan in collaboration, color, watercolor, watercolourHere’s “Cover Art” by Yours Truly, for the autumn issue of Roses and Wildflowers, “The Magazine of Mythopoeia and Fabulism.” That’s quite a mouthful, but I’m getting used to it. Please click on the link, and subscribe. Their heart is in the right place!
Jeanne-Mance Park
By Jack Ruttan in color, sketches, watercolor, watercolourHere’s another oldie!
Montreal Review – of cats?
By Jack Ruttan in sketches Here’s an illustration I did for The Montreal Review of Books, Fall issue, 2023. It didn’t actually appear in the print version of the magazine, only online. But still, I got some money!
Butterscotch Candies of Death
By Jack Ruttan in brush pen, color, ruttan's place, sketches, watercolourI don’t know why these things are so cheap. Only a dollar a bag. They stop me from coughing on the train….
Jack’s Bike Makes the Local News!
By Jack Ruttan in ruttan's place, sketchesCBC News item This was shot on my street the other week. I wondered what they were doing. You can see my bike parked in its usual spot, on the far right of the picture, about 1:14 into the item!
Very Quick Star Wars Comic
By Jack Ruttan in sketchesI watched the big Star Wars film, The Rise of Skywalker on DVD the other evening. I would have been thrilled to see this on the big screen as a kid, but now it just seems like the filmmakers made a lot of notes about what would go into a Star Wars film, and then […]