Author Archive

December 1, 2019 0

The Wind in the Willows

By in ballpoint pen, Book Reviews, color

I’m finishing off The Wind in the Willows. Very curious book. I remember it being read to me in class when I was tiny, and at that age I didn’t always get all of what was being read or shown to me. Such as when I was watching the movie Mary Poppins, which I loved. […]

April 13, 2019 0

Puddle Brush Cat

By in digital

I’m a little embarrassed that I’ve not been posting here in a long while, and I almost lost the blog to some sort of server issue, so I got the blog back, and I thought I should post something. Here it is.

October 2, 2018 0

Scattered Brush

By in color, digital

Digital painting still isn’t coming easy to me, but I’m happy with the look I can get when I applied “scatter” to my usual drawing brush. I don’t even have to delete the underlying lines. Just paint over them. And this has got a pleasing chalk-like effect to me. So different from my usual watercolour. […]

August 31, 2018 0

Digital Peeps

By in digital

I think the airbrushy style is a good complement to my still wiggly digital painting. Looking for something that’s slightly attractive, though maybe I should stick to watercolour and ink. Doesn’t stop me from trying, but the cat is doing her best to discourage me, by leaping up and bunting the stylus as I try […]

July 27, 2018 0

Digital Bizness

By in color, digital

The one on the left is actually a lady. But I think I gave her too much jaw. May fix that, because it is digital, after all.

June 29, 2018 0


By in black and white, Book Reviews, pencil, Portraits, sketches

Finishing up the fifth volume so far of Mr. Karl Ove Knausgaard’s series “My Struggle.” My mind is a little blown, but his story stimulates me not to give up on my own journey. My pal is waiting for the final volume, coming out in September, but I will have to wait until she’s finished […]

June 14, 2018 0

The Savage Yard!

By in brush pen, comics, digital

A comic by me, Jack Ruttan. Computer colours, this time. Seems like digital is much slower, and much more reliant on know-how than watercolours are, which are sort of in my bones. Still working on the work flow! Of course, what a person thinks about this who grew up with digital and has trouble with […]

June 7, 2018 0

A Comic. By Me.

By in color, comics, digital, watercolor

Life has been tough, lately, and I’ve not been doing some things I should have been doing. I don’t know if comics is one of them, but lots of illustrators are doing them. And if I call myself a writer/slash illustrator, then that’s a natural. But it’s not very renumerative. I started drawing digitally, got […]

June 6, 2018 0

Joni Mitchell

By in black and white, digital, heads, Portraits


April 28, 2018 0

Digital and Traditional Sketchbook Pages

By in color, digital, sketches

I messed with both digital and traditional (as it’s called) sketchbook pages today. The traditional pages, compiled into books, are more organised. The digital ones are everywhere, squirreled into cryptic files, over two computers. There’s a tiny bit of digital here, anyhow!

April 28, 2018 0

Pages from One of My Sketchbooks.

By in black and white, cats, color, Coloured Pencils, Gouache, sketches, watercolour

There’s a lot that I draw that I don’t put up. Trying to remedy that a bit. It’s not all brilliance, but here it is. Pencil, coloured pencil, Gouache. I think that’s covered it, technique-wise.

April 26, 2018 0

Another Mopey-Looking Guy….

By in digital, men

….drawn while I was watching something else. Seems to be where my mind goes to when you set it into “neutral.” I wonder why?

April 26, 2018 0


By in digital

Listening to this very good podcast about Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi, I drew my idea of Boris Karloff on my computer. I should really use references, so this guy is just Karloff-like. (darn it! Lots of pictures on the podcast site!) You know, one of my Great-Aunts was married to Karloff for a while, […]

April 19, 2018 0

Mr. Pecksmith

By in digital, heads, men, Portraits, sketches