Archive for the ‘pencil’ Category

January 29, 2015 0


By in cats, pencil

Hard getting all those stripes in order.

January 26, 2015 0

“Think about hair…” “…I don’t wanna.”

By in pencil, sketches

September 19, 2014 0

Morning Sketches

By in cats, pencil, sketches

Maybe for one of the last times on the balcony, I’m afraid. Inside hazards include overly attentive cats who want to be front and centre on the lap. Still, these are various people I saw walking past, and an impression of Nora the cat “playing the cello.”

September 11, 2014 0

Pencil Drawings

By in black and white, pencil

The building is from a book called “Forgotten Architecture” and is a brewery in Baltimore, Maryland. Would be interesting to see if it is still standing. Not a lot of fun to draw, however. Still, I want to do more architecture and machines. Even though I drew it in brown pencil, it scanned dark, so […]

May 4, 2014 0

Morning Pencil Faces

By in black and white, men, pencil, sketches, women

In kind of a funk at the moment because of beginning of the month, raining all day blues. Drawing silly faces helps sublimate some of that. These are scanned, and I may try to do something with them.

May 3, 2014 0

Crime Faces, Etc.

By in black and white, cats, men, pencil, sketches

Drawing some big things in pencil. Too big for the scanner, so I took some snaps! I used hair spray as fixative. It’s fruit-scented, so not as nasty (or expensive) as standard fixative, but you get tired of the smell after a while anyhow. Inspired a little by an art show I saw. Will post […]

April 6, 2014 0

Youtube and Tumblr faces

By in black and white, heads, pencil, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

Drawing is very calming for the nerves. Tough stuff around me, so I’ve been watching art-instruction Youtube videos, and drawing a lot of faces from Tumblr and my private photo file. Mainly Hollywood and TV people, done in pencil and sometimes watercolour.

April 3, 2014 0

Young Alec Guinness

By in black and white, heads, men, pencil

Apparently it was his birthday yesterday.

April 3, 2014 0


By in black and white, heads, men, pencil

The older, goofier William Shatner actually reminds me a bit of my dad. I’ll have to draw him, sometime. He actually rode in an elevator with Shatner and Brooke Shields, once, at the Banff Springs Hotel.

April 3, 2014 0

Writer’s Guild Meeting

By in black and white, pencil, sketches

Went to the Writer’s Guild of Canada Montreal meeting. This is the guild in Canada working for film and TV writers, which I am, occasionally. They were handing out free pencils and pads, along with other swag, so I couldn’t resist. One person here saw me drawing her, so I never finished that sketch. This […]

April 3, 2014 0

Rosamund Pike

By in black and white, Coloured Pencils, heads, pencil, sketches, women

Saw her in the Tom Cruise movie Jack Reacher, which was a little better than the Lee Child book that I read featuring the character, but that’s not saying much. Anyhow, she as pretty enough, so I searched out a photo to draw a portrait. Here’s a page of faces. The woman in the upper […]

March 31, 2014 0

Random Sketches

By in black and white, digital, heads, pencil, sketches

Had a terrible scare the other night with this site. Not going to talk about it online for fear of summoning the devil. But that can rest for now, and I’ll do a comprehensive backup of all this stuff. For now, I’ll just put up some things I’ve been drawing, more as an exercise for […]

March 27, 2014 0

Scrap Paper Pad

By in black and white, pencil, sketches

After a meeting at a law office, I was given a lot of scratch pads made of scrap paper. These are great to scribble idly on while having a conversation. A different part of my brain is engaged doing the drawing, so generally I can still follow and take part in the conversation. This isn’t […]

March 23, 2014 0

Another Candidate

By in black and white, heads, montreal, pencil, sketches, women

Of course, I couldn’t resist drawing the opponent of the Candidate below. Beauty is as beauty does, or so they say!