Archive for the ‘Portraits’ Category

February 22, 2017 0

Small Faces

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, digital, heads, pencil, Portraits

Digital guy based on a scanned-in pencil drawing, and a ballpoint pen Gollum.

February 15, 2017 0

Gouache and Red Pencil People

By in color, Coloured Pencils, Gouache, heads, paintings, pencil, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

January 27, 2017 1

Nora, From Above

By in cats, color, Nora the cat, Portraits, watercolor, watercolour

January 26, 2017 0

Notebook Computer

By in color, Coloured Pencils, digital, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

My little notebook computer is great. But it’s a little silly to use, sometimes, as this guy demonstrates. He’s drawn in melty watercolour pencils and (I didn’t realise it at the time), melty black/purple roller pen. This is a Regency little girl, inspired by Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. Of course, the real little girl […]

December 8, 2016 0

Star Wars, etc.

By in black and white, color, heads, paintings, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

Posting various sketches I’ve been doing. Mainly to do with the new “Star Wars” movie, which I finally saw, and “Emma” by Jane Austen. Star Wars had some pleasant new characters, but it was basically a rehash of the same old plot. I mean where did they find the time and materials to build a […]

November 16, 2016 0

Nora ye Catte

By in cats, color, digital, Nora the cat, Portraits, sketches

November 10, 2016 0

Two Faces

By in Coloured Pencils, heads, pencil, Portraits, sketches

I guess using the flash on the little camera makes these things look too light.

October 6, 2016 0

Grumpy Writer

By in digital, men, pencil, Portraits, sketches

And a lazy digital treatment. I’m learning more tricks, but am finding I get my best results when starting with a pencil drawing and scanning it in. I can draw with the stylus, but it takes a lot more time. The thing really doesn’t like obeying what your hand wants it to do. Maybe if […]

June 9, 2016 0

Auntie Griselda and Friends

By in heads, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Another sketchbook page. That’s my Auntie Griselda in the upper left-hand corner. The rest of the people mainly come from magazines, such as “Exclaim,” and those glossy promotional ones you can pick up in cinemas. I should colour all the drawings, but I guess I’m lazy.

April 21, 2016 0

Gouache Faces

By in color, Gouache, heads, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

It’s been a pleasant afternoon, and after some work, I sat on the balcony and painted people who were going by, in opaque watercolour.

February 18, 2016 0


By in black and white, Coloured Pencils, pencil, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Trying to do more “House of Cats” pictures, but I’m lacking inspiration. So I went to youtube and watched watercolour technique videos. People’s hands are fascinating, but in these videos you rarely see the faces. So, I drew the hands in watercolour pencil, and then drew the owners’ faces as I imagined them. [link] [link] […]

February 15, 2016 0

New Animation Studio

By in color, Coloured Pencils, heads, men, montreal, pencil, Portraits, self-promotion, sketches

Thrilled by the news that a new animation studio is opening up in Montreal (a side-effect, I think, of the low dollar making it more tempting for foreign operations to invest here. Not to mention the high number of talented artistic types in this city). In honour of that fact, I’ve done this amazing, highly-detailed […]

November 25, 2015 0

“Traditional” Media

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, color, heads, paintings, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

I’ve been so deep into digital, that I began to wonder whether I could still do useful things with paper. Below is a drawing a made during a phone coversation (they’re often long, at least with my friend). Black ballpoint pen in my sketchbook. Above is a made-up woman painted on a sample of my […]

October 29, 2015 0

Jesse B.

By in color, digital, Portraits

Feeling a little daring here, but this is a digital portrait of my comics pal Jesse Bochner, at one of my favourite hangouts, Monastiraki on Saint Laurence Blvd. in Mile End, Montreal.