Archive for the ‘sketches’ Category

March 14, 2014 0


By in ballpoint pen, black and white, pencil, sketches, watercolor

I’m always drawing. It’s my nature. Haven’t been posting much of what I’ve been drawing, but thought I’d change that. An imaginary guy in blue. Below, a phone doodle drawn on scrap paper, and other characters and sketches.

February 26, 2014 0

Bluebeard and Friends

By in ballpoint pen, black and white, color, pen and ink, watercolour

Inspired by this engraving by Gustave Doré, I did this picture: Bonus young Anita Ekberg:

February 26, 2014 0

Morning Pages

By in pen and ink, pencil, sketches, watercolour

I didn’t draw all of these today. Just was tardy in uploading them. Here are a few of my pals from the Montreal Monthly Comic Jam. Actually, this is last month’s meeting. There was another last night, but I didn’t have the energy to go. Here I was in a bit of a pissy mood, […]

February 11, 2014 0

Shirley Temple Thoughts, and Watercolour Faces

By in color, Coloured Pencils, heads, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

A little sad about Shirley Temple, whom it seemed was an icon of indomitable “cute” childhood, and also proof that you could be a child star, and then turn out all right. Drew this image not as a portrait, just as an idea, based on her image. Also did some proper faces from magazines, in […]

December 31, 2013 0

Still More Computer Paintings

By in color, digital, sketches

I can hardly call them “sketches” since they don’t fit in a book. I don’t think much about what I’m doing ahead of time. Hence all the grouchy faces. Still, I enjoy the medium. The one big deal is that computer drawings are hardly ever finished. You do something on paper, it’s done. If something’s […]

April 11, 2013 0

Black Cat!

By in cats, watercolour

I’m doing at least a painting a day at the moment. And in standard sizes. Besides this, a lot of images were orphaned when the blog broke down. Think I will put them into a slideshow, just so’s you can see them. Or, a really large post.

April 7, 2013 0

Alien Character

By in color, watercolour

Just a little painting I did today.

April 7, 2013 1

Unbroken Blog

By in sketches, watercolour

Some things happened to the blog a couple of weeks ago. It’s back, however. A lot of things are missing, because the blog only reaches to when I did my last backup. I may just put up all the stuff that happens to be missing in one long post. In the meantime, here are a […]

January 11, 2013 0

This is the Future

By in digital, sketches

A drawing achieved with Google Sketchup. Creating such things and then drawing over them solves a lot of perspective and shadowing problems!

January 7, 2013 0

Digital Dallyance

By in color, digital, men, paintings, sketches, women

I’m happier now with how the digital painting has been going. As I’ve been writing there are a lot of controls and switches to master, plus the stylus has a different feeling than a pencil, and is less precise (at least in my hands). But practice is helping, plus the memory of colour mixing for […]

January 4, 2013 0

Relative Fandoms

By in comics, digital, sketches

My first Venn Diagram, inspired by a comment from a friend of mine in Facebook. People are already complaining about this over at Facebook, but maybe I can beat The Oatmeal.

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December 31, 2012 0

New Year’s Kitty

By in cats, paintings, watercolour

Happy New Year’s!

December 29, 2012 0

Random Painting

By in color, machines, men, paintings, watercolour, women

Looking through a closet, I found a block of watercolour paper with a few sheets on it. Painted this, while watching a documentary on the late Gerry Anderson — whose shows and spaceships were all over my childhood. The paper was very strange and spongey — hard to get detail onto it. Also, one’s paintings, […]

December 18, 2012 0

Digital Painting is Tough

By in color, digital, heads, paintings, sketches, women

I don’t know if it’s wise to put one’s trials up, but this is a blog about process, and I try to put up most of what I draw. Actually, I know I’ve been rather sporadic lately, and will try to remedy that. Still, digital painting in Photoshop is a fascinating process, even though the […]