More watercolour pictchas. Hotcha! Above and at bottom are done on my Mom’s old paper, almost like paper towel, which is very thin, buckles like crazy (I can flatten it, but it’s some work), and which absorbs tons of paint. No little puddles or run-backs (those little flower-shaped flaws) here. Still, it is very thin […]
Archive for the ‘sketches’ Category
More Watercolour Faces
By Jack Ruttan in color, heads, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, womenAnother Art Article for Rover — Sophie Lambert
By Jack Ruttan in sketchesREAD IT HERE … and another naked guy as the cover photo! Truthfully, I couldn’t be happier. A little controversy is good. Start things out with a splash. The next one (next week, if things turn out) will be a little different.
Colour Pencil Couple
By Jack Ruttan in Coloured Pencils, sketchesNot sure if I should call them “Colour Pencilled Couple,” but maybe someone will advise.
Computer Face
By Jack Ruttan in sketchesStill drawing computer faces. Not quite “there” yet, even though I’m getting more comfortable. Have to try drawing more subjects, backgrounds, even fruit. Learning to loosen up, yet stay accurate. But the neat part about computer drawing is the amount of messing around you can do with it. I can put him in a different […]
Youtube and Tumblr faces
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, heads, pencil, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, womenDrawing is very calming for the nerves. Tough stuff around me, so I’ve been watching art-instruction Youtube videos, and drawing a lot of faces from Tumblr and my private photo file. Mainly Hollywood and TV people, done in pencil and sometimes watercolour.
Watercolour Suit Man
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, watercolor, watercolourWatching this Youtube of a TV show featuring men throwing paint onto a giant piece of paper inspired me to paint this:
Anonymous Watercolour Woman
By Jack Ruttan in sketches, watercolor, watercolour, womenHad a bad professional experience the other night. So today, rather than do anything productive, I’ve been drawing things and posting. Also reading and watching. Playing with cats. Hope things recover! I don’t know where any of this leads, but things tend to fit together in different ways.
Writer’s Guild Meeting
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, pencil, sketchesWent to the Writer’s Guild of Canada Montreal meeting. This is the guild in Canada working for film and TV writers, which I am, occasionally. They were handing out free pencils and pads, along with other swag, so I couldn’t resist. One person here saw me drawing her, so I never finished that sketch. This […]
Rosamund Pike
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, Coloured Pencils, heads, pencil, sketches, womenSaw her in the Tom Cruise movie Jack Reacher, which was a little better than the Lee Child book that I read featuring the character, but that’s not saying much. Anyhow, she as pretty enough, so I searched out a photo to draw a portrait. Here’s a page of faces. The woman in the upper […]
Random Sketches
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, digital, heads, pencil, sketchesHad a terrible scare the other night with this site. Not going to talk about it online for fear of summoning the devil. But that can rest for now, and I’ll do a comprehensive backup of all this stuff. For now, I’ll just put up some things I’ve been drawing, more as an exercise for […]
Scrap Paper Pad
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, pencil, sketchesAfter a meeting at a law office, I was given a lot of scratch pads made of scrap paper. These are great to scribble idly on while having a conversation. A different part of my brain is engaged doing the drawing, so generally I can still follow and take part in the conversation. This isn’t […]
March 2014 Monthly Montreal Comic Jam
By Jack Ruttan in brush pen, collaboration, color, Coloured Pencils, montreal, Rick Gagnon, sketchesIt’s been a while since I’ve shown my face at one of these. Also, the last post on this topic got wiped out in my server crash. Since it paid tribute to a late friend, I’m going to have to put it back together again. Still, even though I had to be reminded and coaxed, […]
Another Candidate
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, heads, montreal, pencil, sketches, womenOf course, I couldn’t resist drawing the opponent of the Candidate below. Beauty is as beauty does, or so they say!
By Jack Ruttan in black and white, pencil, sketches, womenPolitics aside, for some reason I had to draw the local Liberal Party Candidate. (I feel like my face drawing is progressing) I’m actually most likely voting Green, or for the lady with the moustache.