Archive for the ‘sketches’ Category

December 9, 2011 0

Passive-Aggressive Birds

By in sketches

I wanted to put this cartoon up before some internet low-life steals the idea! That’s because I mentioned it on Twitter. @AJKandy thought that the birds would file nuisance complaints with the city until the pigs move away, while @MrBillyBones said that “You launch them at things, but they just bounce off …and then pout.”

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December 8, 2011 0

Peggy Burns from Drawn and Quarterly

By in montreal, sketches

Went to a chat today by Peggy Burns, who is the marketing person for Drawn and Quarterly Books in Montreal, speaking at the Atwater Library. She talked about the history of Drawn and Quarterly, some of their artists such as Chester Brown, Daniel Clowes, Adrian Tomine, and Lynda Barry. Also got into a little of […]

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December 6, 2011 0

Female Faces…

By in sketches, women

Charlize Theron, from the cover of a movie mag. I’ve been neglecting my blogging. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been drawing. Working on female faces here, trying to catch what’s special in a face that makes it a particular person. Easier to draw a generic face. But when you can’t get out to sketch real […]

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December 1, 2011 0

Colour Cats and Such

By in cats, men, sketches, watercolour, women

I’m doing comic colouring in Photoshop. Shouldn’t be so difficult, but I’m thinking of it a lot. Then a little watercolour.

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November 24, 2011 0

Women’s heads and profiles

By in sketches, women

Drawing things from DVDs. Freezing it this time, rather than just going on impressions as the movie plays. A lot of work filling things in with pencil! This and the below are based on Sharon Stone from the beginning of Total Recall. And some random, imaginary profiles with my fine-line roller pen: Good night, all!

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November 22, 2011 0

Out of My Head….

By in horses, men, sketches, women

That’s where these drawings are from. When winter sets in it’s less practicable to draw things out on the street. So I sit around looking at books, watching DVDs, also drawing anything that tickles my fancy. Hate drawing directly from photographs, but those give you different ideas, and also keeps one closer to reality. So […]

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November 21, 2011 0

A Kelpie, a Vampire; other things.

By in horses, men, sketches, women

I drew these in black and white, because I’m practicing computer colouring. Seems like a lot of work!

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November 18, 2011 0

Comic Colour and Nasty Horsemen

By in horses, men, sketches

I’ve finally learned a comic colouring technique that’s relatively fast, and that I’m happy with. Check this series of youtube videos from the Overground Comic Company, if you want to find out more. Meanwhile, I’ve been drawing a stack of things. Here are a couple of angry guys on horses a la Frank Frazetta for […]

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November 15, 2011 0

Roller Pen Drawings

By in sketches, women

Could call these “Pen and Ink,” but that seems too grand. The titles become dull also, because of the idea of putting something plainly descriptive in so search engines can find them.

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November 13, 2011 0

Arrr…. Ulllg….

By in men, sketches, watercolour

This guy is vaguely based on John Cusack from the movie “Say Anything,” but I was too lazy to draw a portrait. So he becomes “random guy,” because it’s too cold to go out on the balcony and draw people.

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November 11, 2011 0

Hard and Soft Edges

By in sketches, watercolour, women

I dislike ink outlines, but am working on hard and soft edges in drawings. Leaving the middles alone in this case, or giving them a gentle wash.

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November 10, 2011 0

Kid Pushing Traffic Marker

By in watercolour

This kid was pushing down traffic markers the other day. So I drew him. If you see this kid around your neighbourhood, tell him to leave the traffic markers alone.

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November 6, 2011 0

Fast and Slow Watercolours

By in men, sketches, watercolour, women

One of these was painted very quickly, the other very slowly. Which is which? Do you care?

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November 4, 2011 0


By in cats, sketches, watercolour, women

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