April 11, 2018 0

Green Monster

By in Blender 3D, dinosaurs

Still working on critters and figures, in Blender 3D!

April 6, 2018 0


By in cats, digital

April 3, 2018 0

3D Volkswagen

By in Blender 3D

Well, I made my 3D Volkswagen. Not perfect, and still a lot I can do, but I think it’s better practice to move on to other projects rather than fiddle with this one indefinitely. However, that’s what computers invite you to do! #b3d

April 2, 2018 0

3D Volkswagen — Work in Progress

By in Blender 3D

Work in progress… #b3d

March 15, 2018 0


By in digital, heads, paintings, sketches, women

Inspired by an unpleasant character from a U.K. Le Guin story.

March 15, 2018 0

Safety Pins

By in Blender 3D

They’re jewelry for a character I’m building. I was worried they would take a long time, but they didn’t, and that’s pleasing.

The character is taking longer than I would like, but I feel I am learning things. #b3d

March 3, 2018 0

3D Bathroom

By in Blender 3D, digital

I’m terribly proud of this bathroom corner, but it needs brighter lighting. The towel was a sophisticated simulation, which I need to practice. The tissue paper was a tour de force, but the box needs a logo of some sort. The program only crashed on me once, so I’ve learned to save more often. Next challenge is to make a roll of toilet paper. #b3d

March 3, 2018 0


By in Blender 3D, digital

3D is challenging stuff. I’ve learned a little about putting in backgrounds. Lighting is a whole different thing.

Also, this is the first car I made. Others are less blocky. But it reminds me of the car from the Stephen King novel. #b3d

March 3, 2018 0

Various Men, and a Dragon

By in digital, heads, men, paintings, sketches

One of my big problems with digital was that the line was sort of more wiggly, and things would get away from me. I’m feeling more in control of it now, however, and it’s almost like drawing on paper for me, now. More work, however. Not as relaxing staring into the screen, and thinking about layers, pen pressure, and pushing keys.

At least the stylus is doing its stuff. I suppose that’s the digital equivalent of the pencil lead breaking off as you are trying to sharpen it, or the brush being stiff with old paint. All of these media have different issues.

February 22, 2018 0

Creepy Politicians

By in ballpoint pen, Gouache, men, paintings

Some creepy American politicians I drew from the New York Times, in Gouache and ballpoint pen.

February 16, 2018 0

Wonders of Technology

By in Blender 3D, heads

Spent most of the day building this elaborate portrait head in Blender 3D. You know, people are the hardest things to do in 3D. But I didn’t have time to paint him, so I made him into a Roman Bust. Then I put that silly hat on him.

I’m very happy, because this sort of technology amazed me when I watched documentaries about Pixar and the Siggraph computer graphics conferences. Now I can mess with it myself, on my crummy ten year-old laptop.

February 16, 2018 0

Colourful Background People

By in digital, heads, sketches

I’ve always liked the “cloud brush” in Photoshop. Again, I feel the purely digital people are getting better with practice.

I can also scan in some pencil drawings from the book, and colour those, as well!

February 14, 2018 0

Happy Valentine’s Day

By in Blender 3D, color

This is a strange thing with hearts in it, that I made in 3D. So there you go!

February 2, 2018 0

Tom Swift

By in Blender 3D, digital

I did this for a Facebook “challenge,” meaning there was a call for illustrations on the subject of “Tom Swift and his [adjective] [adjective] [noun].

I used it as a chance to practice my 3D spaceships and various digital chops. I could rant a little about the non-user friendliness of the program Blender, but I’m not going to at this moment, early in the morning.