Author Archive

August 28, 2017 0

Digital Dame

By in digital, heads, women

Digital painting, on the bigger computer again. Trying to do what’s called “glazing,” using my “natural brushes.”

August 1, 2017 0

By in black and white, color, heads, horses, men, pen and ink, pencil, Portraits, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

This is sort of a test, in that I’m trying to post something via photos I took with the iPad. Sadly, there are a few things I haven’t figured out, but this is good enough for the time being.

July 30, 2017 0

Mount Royal Sketches

By in color, montreal, paintings, parks, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Yesterday, I went to a friend’s place just over Mount Royal, Not far from the Côte-des-Neiges Cemetery gates. And it was such a nice day I sketched this elaborate monument just inside the gates. Got to the other side of the “mountain.” That’s the part I call the “front” because it faces what used to […]

July 29, 2017 0

Morning Squirrel

By in ballpoint pen, color, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Angry chitterer.

July 5, 2017 0

150 Words or Less

By in ruttan's place, writing

For the Canada sesquicentennial celebration, the Atwater Library here in Montreal sponsored a contest where people could write in little stories or memories in about 150 words. I entered three. Didn’t win anything (my pal Joanne Carnegie got a nifty framed certificate as a runner-up), but I enjoyed the challenge of trying to write to […]

June 26, 2017 1

Painted Squares

By in color, paintings, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

Taped off a few big rectangles in the sketch book, and painted them with watercolours. Will try to vary the palettes a little more next time.

June 21, 2017 1

Mr. Boggedy

By in black and white, cats, pencil

June 18, 2017 1

Quick Cyclops

By in color, digital

Darn. So much more to share. I used to post everything I drew/created! Oh well, here’s this guy.

May 11, 2017 0

3D Tabby

By in Blender 3D, cats

3D tabbers and mouse. I have to work on whiskers, I’m afraid, Next comes hair, which will be spooky. This is the rug I have in my hallway.

May 2, 2017 0

Page of Draw-rings

By in color, Coloured Pencils, pencil, sketches

I used to post here once a day. Now I’m guilty of drawing many drawings, even ones I think of as good ones, and not putting them up. Forgive me!

April 26, 2017 0


By in Blender 3D

Apologies to good cats everywhere. I was mainly trying to get the desert floor to look right, with the help of something called a “bump map.”

April 24, 2017 0

3D Space Rendezvous

By in Blender 3D

I’ve learned a bit about “UV unwrapping,” which is the art of making shapes one can decorate with graphics, and “paste” around your 3D model. Next today is to learn about “bump mapping,” which will let me put space-shippy details on the models. Maybe also “particle fields,” which will let me create stars, perhaps a […]

April 22, 2017 0

Cat Drawings

By in cats, Coloured Pencils, pencil, sketches

Coloured pencil.

April 20, 2017 0

Star Wars-ian Portraits

By in black and white, Gouache, heads, pen and ink, pencil, Portraits, sketches, women

Of characters whose names all begin with “L,” apparently.