Author Archive

January 3, 2018 0

Magical Neon

By in ballpoint pen, color, pen and ink, sketches, watercolor, watercolour

This is a page I drew this summer with the help of magical neon gel pens I collected at the depanneur over the weeks, at a dollar a pop. I still haven’t figured out how to incorporate them into serious drawings (if that’s what I do), or know if they are archival quality.

January 2, 2018 0

Nora Again

By in cats, Gouache, Nora the cat, sketches, watercolour

A little gouache painting of Nora. Being quiet for a change.

January 2, 2018 0


By in digital, sketches

A doodle I made answering @inkyelbows challenge [link here] You can see other responses via the hashtag #2018doodle . Thought I should have it here in my blog. Don’t know why I thought of Star Wars. Guess it’s the recent movie, which I haven’t seen.

December 30, 2017 0

Further Faces!

By in color, Gouache, heads, paintings

Always drawing things.

December 27, 2017 0

Faces and a Bonus Goblin

By in sketches

December 26, 2017 0

Cat Protection

By in cats, digital

A plausible cat outfit for the current weather. They seem not to need booties.

December 25, 2017 0

Dog-shaped Thing

By in digital

I’ve seen some very strange dog-shaped synthetic-sheathed things walking around.

December 24, 2017 0

Digital Sketchbook

By in digital

I wish I could set up a digital sketchbook, analogous to the paper sketchbooks I have so many of. I guess I can confine all my sketches to a file folder, which I can look at. Happy with how my digital things are looking, finally. I have the feeling I can draw anything I can […]

December 22, 2017 0

Edmund Bertram

By in digital, men

I stole the pattern for the background from my Dover Book of Ornament. Which was fun to do.

December 22, 2017 0

Sword and Sorcery

By in pencil, sketches

December 21, 2017 0


By in Gouache, men, paintings, sketches, watercolour

Red paint and pencil, for some reason. I’ve been watching too many videogame review videos. Trying to figure out what kids like these days.

December 16, 2017 0

Unicef Child, Mouse, and Explosion

By in sketches, watercolor

Watercolour, in my Dollarama sketchbook.

October 7, 2017 0

Sketchbook People

By in heads, pencil, Portraits, sketches

  People in the real world fly by, and it’s hard to catch them. So one uses imagination, and skills gained by practice to capture them. Then there’s drawing from a photograph, which is basically analyzing shapes, and not that creative for me. Still, it produces a convincing result, and I learn something in the […]

September 18, 2017 0

Digitally Blonde

By in digital

Despite difficulties with hardware, I’m very happy with how the digital work seems to be progressing. Colours are a hard thing to get around, mainly because the palette here is potentially infinite. I’m also getting better at fixing things up, because the line of the stylus rarely goes where you want it to, so you […]