Archive for the ‘women’ Category

August 7, 2014 0

Morning Page

By in color, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

June 25, 2014 0

Computer-Painted Characters

By in color, digital, heads, men, paintings, women

My computer-painted characters are quicker and more satisfying to draw. I had to reach back into my experience mixing acrylic paints to think of the right kinds of shadows. Still, I feel more confident that I can paint in a pleasant way any subject that occurs to me. Backgrounds and bodies soon to come.

May 9, 2014 0

Watercolour Pencils, and other Watercolour-y and Pencil-ly things.

By in black and white, color, Coloured Pencils, heads, men, montreal, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

A lot of little drawings here, so I’m trying a new feature on WordPress (new to me, anyhow). A “Gallery.” Enjoy! Actually, it’s kind of cool, having the random order. Wish there was a function for captions, however!

May 4, 2014 0

Morning Pencil Faces

By in black and white, men, pencil, sketches, women

In kind of a funk at the moment because of beginning of the month, raining all day blues. Drawing silly faces helps sublimate some of that. These are scanned, and I may try to do something with them.

April 28, 2014 0

More Watercolour Faces

By in color, heads, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

More watercolour pictchas. Hotcha! Above and at bottom are done on my Mom’s old paper, almost like paper towel, which is very thin, buckles like crazy (I can flatten it, but it’s some work), and which absorbs tons of paint. No little puddles or run-backs (those little flower-shaped flaws) here. Still, it is very thin […]

April 6, 2014 0

Youtube and Tumblr faces

By in black and white, heads, pencil, sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

Drawing is very calming for the nerves. Tough stuff around me, so I’ve been watching art-instruction Youtube videos, and drawing a lot of faces from Tumblr and my private photo file. Mainly Hollywood and TV people, done in pencil and sometimes watercolour.

April 3, 2014 0

Anonymous Watercolour Woman

By in sketches, watercolor, watercolour, women

Had a bad professional experience the other night. So today, rather than do anything productive, I’ve been drawing things and posting. Also reading and watching. Playing with cats. Hope things recover! I don’t know where any of this leads, but things tend to fit together in different ways.

April 3, 2014 0

Rosamund Pike

By in black and white, Coloured Pencils, heads, pencil, sketches, women

Saw her in the Tom Cruise movie Jack Reacher, which was a little better than the Lee Child book that I read featuring the character, but that’s not saying much. Anyhow, she as pretty enough, so I searched out a photo to draw a portrait. Here’s a page of faces. The woman in the upper […]

March 23, 2014 0

Another Candidate

By in black and white, heads, montreal, pencil, sketches, women

Of course, I couldn’t resist drawing the opponent of the Candidate below. Beauty is as beauty does, or so they say!

March 23, 2014 0


By in black and white, pencil, sketches, women

Politics aside, for some reason I had to draw the local Liberal Party Candidate. (I feel like my face drawing is progressing) I’m actually most likely voting Green, or for the lady with the moustache.

March 14, 2014 0


By in color, digital, heads, women

I love drawing different types of people. So boring always the same colour of skin. Doing these things fast and furiously seems to help. I may actually fix them later.

February 1, 2014 0

Some Anonymous Woman

By in color, digital, women

I’m getting used to the idea that most of my drawings not done from a photograph will be slightly cockeyed and spidery. Still adventuring in the digital realm, however. For better or worse.

April 11, 2013 1

A Need to Relax

By in ballpoint pen, digital, paintings, women

It’s actually been a trying time lately. But I’m happy with where these are going. Strange that the cross-hatching looks good, but I rarely use it on watercolours. Feel like it’s cheating, in the same way as a lot of these computer tools I’m using. I think this stems back to when my late mom […]

January 7, 2013 0

Digital Dallyance

By in color, digital, men, paintings, sketches, women

I’m happier now with how the digital painting has been going. As I’ve been writing there are a lot of controls and switches to master, plus the stylus has a different feeling than a pencil, and is less precise (at least in my hands). But practice is helping, plus the memory of colour mixing for […]