Friskies ™ She’s never far When dinner time is near. Her brother’s loud meows Call her to the plate. I’ll be at the fridge, reaching into coldness. The food looks fresh, But will it dribble on the floor? Soon, I’m ready to serve This nasty-smelling meal. by jack ruttan I think Wallace Stevens would be […]
Posts Tagged ‘cats’
Welcome to the New Place
By Jack Ruttan in cats, sketchesWow. That was heavy, because I’ve been doing the blog for four years, and what do I get when I think everything is set up right? The domain name is attached to a spam blog. I wrote a letter to my domain seller’s support, and immediately after, either by design or coincidence, the wordpress blog […]
Tags: black and white, cats, pencil, sketches
Cowboys Parking
By Jack Ruttan in cats, sketchesDrat. The blog on blogger is gone again. So here’s today’s sketch: a cowboy parking, and Miss Precious Perfect & friend.
Tags: black and white, cats, sketches
Another day
By Jack Ruttan in catsThat was traumatic. Blogger was down over Christmas, so I and a lot of other people couldn’t post over that time. What a lot of cry-babies! Still, the frustration expressed shows how much these web diaries have become habits. Because I wasn’t doing much for Christmas, it got me into setting up this WordPress blog, […]
Tags: black and white, cats, comics