Pictures done from reference are more “realistic,” but not as much fun to draw as more cartoony things.
I sort of adore the way ballpoint pens “blob.” Other artists wipe the point, I think, in between doing cross-hatching lines.
I have lots of sketchbooks on the go at any one time. Here’s one that I started in May of this year. These are the first few pages.
Sometimes I’m in a bit of a mood when I draw these. But they generally look fun, even if people rarely smile in these drawings. It IS good therapy, and I draw every day.
I decided to scan a few more. This is sort of an old book, from the beginning of the pandemic. These are $4.00 “Dollarama” sketchbooks, which are great, because they are cheap, and the paper likes watercolour. Brush pen, though, sometimes wicks a bit.
These things claim, however to be “acid free paper,” which is a fib, because they yellow very quickly. So in a few centuries, they might be dust. But I won’t be around either, so what would I care?
My blog and I have been through some times. But since the advent of Facebook and Instagram and all of those corporate web things, the blog has been sort of neglected as of late. I used to post here daily, putting up whatever I had drawn that day, good bad, or indifferent.
I still draw a lot, but haven’t been posting as much. So, here’s a random page I’m sure hasn’t seen the light of day, just to keep my hand in.
I’m getting more cosy with the digital tools; painting on the computer. Still, I want to be more disciplined, and paint things that would look good in a portfolio. That means doing things with an eye towards pleasing people, rather than whatever strangeness comes out of my head.
It’s difficult to explain. I can draw whatever inside the sketchbook and it looks like a sketchbook, but what I do on the computer seems more like individual paintings rather than pages.
If something pleases me, or feels like it’s destined for general consumption rather than being strange, somewhat wobbly images from inside my head, I’ll put it up.
Maybe do some more 3D things. Or, maybe, comics….
A generous friend sent me a set of 168 wooden coloured pencils. (Is it “coloured” or “colour”? The last one sounds slightly illiterate.) I’ve taken them out of their packaging, where they were inaccessible, and put them into yogurt containers, where I can reach them and see what I’m drawing with.
Some of the pencils crumbled inside the twisty sharpener, so I’m sharpening them with the razor blade, as shown. It’s more like gentle stroking rather than a twisty reaching motion, and easier on the cores.
Here’s an example of something I drew. The pencils are called “blendable,” but they are only just. Maybe some sort of solvent will work.
There’s a list of colours you can fill out with the accompanying numbers in case you need to buy a new pencil, but I wish they had come up with even dumb names for the colours, because I like those.