I inked her and coloured her digitally from a little ball-point pen drawing, and I’m happy with it. I can get more sophisticated as I learn more little tricks. But most of the stuff works, and I can do it in a reasonable amount of time. So, hooray!
Archive for the ‘women’ Category
Zooey D.
By Jack Ruttan in digital, pencil, womenTrying to draw portraits. I’m cozy in pencil (not so cozy drawing likenesses!). I wonder if it’s bastardization to try and colour a drawing this way, but I’m also practicing my digital chops. Not the prettiest image, technically, but it’s part of my artistic self-education, so I’m putting it up here. I wanted to draw […]
An Improbable Prehistoric Scene
By Jack Ruttan in digital, dinosaurs, paintings, womenStill Amblin’ Down the Digital Path….
By Jack Ruttan in digital, paintings, womenI think these are looking better. (and now I’ve updated it to balance the colours a little, according to some things I’ve learned. There are so many tools with Photoshop. Interesting but complex.)
Paper or Pixels?
By Jack Ruttan in digital, men, paintings, watercolour, womenOne thing my recent adventures in digital painting have done, they’ve made my painting in watercolour seem absolutely easy and refreshing by comparision. Still it’s a great challenge, and I’ve learned plenty in the last little while. As I relax and practice, things will get easier, and the people more natural. I’m not a quick […]
Old Lady and Her Cat
By Jack Ruttan in pen and ink, womenI was going through an avalanche of old stuff today, trying to get organised. Found a lot of old things I at least don’t remember well, so I’m posting them. Well, this pen and ink of an old lady and cat (pretty big in the original, something like 14″x17″. Look cool. I don’t remember putting […]
Various Watercolour Paintings
By Jack Ruttan in cats, men, sketches, watercolour, womenYe Huntyng Catt Keanu (Feel the Heat?) A California Woman Little Watercolour People
Scoundrels and Shady Dealings
By Jack Ruttan in cats, men, sketches, watercolour, womenSome More Painting
By Jack Ruttan in cats, sketches, womenThe digital thing is frustrating, because of all the switches you have to throw (if you start working on the wrong layer, then you’re lost). Also, I keep losing brushes I like. In Photoshop, those are collections of settings and sometimes an image. This can all be solved, but it’s a learning curve for me. […]
More Cats, and Star Trek People
By Jack Ruttan in cats, men, sketches, womenMy sketches have become a little more, um, “sketchy” since I’ve been on this digital art kick. Still drawing, however, and the books are filling up with pencil drawings, actually drawing in all kinds of media, since it really doesn’t matter if I can mess with the lines and colours. So, I’ve been enjoying my […]
Lazy Blog Post
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, womenI’m behind on things, also wasting time on facebook. Still drawing, but not blogging as much as I might. Well, here are some things. First of all, I’m messing around with the “Gaussian Blur” and figuring out what it takes to paint things over a loose pencil drawing in photoshop: It’s from a tacky source […]
Pile of Paintings
By Jack Ruttan in men, paintings, sketches, watercolour, womenThese are simple, but done with different techniques and programs. Up above is purely digital, drawn and painted in Photoshop. The guy below was drawn in Adobe Illustrator according to a pencil sketch, then coloured in Photoshop. I’m happy with the ink lines I’m able to create, and they’re fast to do, too. This strange […]
Tags: colour, digital, men, paintings, sketches, vectors, wash, watercolour, women
Passel of Drawings
By Jack Ruttan in men, sketches, womenI sketch a lot more than I put up here. Thought it was time for some of those. Mainly out of my head, while watching DVDs, or live, in some cases. Those always make the best poses.
Tags: ballpoint pen, men, Pen & Ink, sketches, women