Archive for the ‘women’ Category

May 4, 2012 0


By in black and white, men, pen and ink, pencil, sketches, women

Darn. That implies “rotten” in French. I was trying to evoke “pot-pourri” as in variety, a kind of goulash of drawings. Anyhow, above is a haughty dame perfectly dressed in a retro outfit. I was happy to see her the other day. The view from the balcony is getting interesting again. Well, not today, because […]

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April 25, 2012 0

DC Books Launch at Blue Metropolis

By in black and white, montreal, pen and ink, sketches, women

Went to a launch, which was really a reading, of books by some friends of mine. I like to sketch during these things, but this time I found that drawing the people sitting around listening was more interesting than drawing the readers. Once, long ago, I had decided to draw every author whose reading I […]

April 20, 2012 0

Street Painting, Sketches, Portraits

By in black and white, color, digital, dinosaurs, men, pen and ink, sketches, watercolour, women

A little of everything here. A watercolour painting up above. Coloured pic of Jean Paul Belmondo from the movie Stavisky below. Sketches, one perhaps not so wisely coloured. I’m interested in what dinosaurs looked like, because I have the lumbering old-style beasts still stuck in my head. This Tyrannosaurus has a few feathers, which surprises […]

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April 18, 2012 0

Pretty Pict-chas

By in color, digital, men, paintings, sketches, watercolour, women

Here are some digital and watercolour pictures (and blends of both) that I’ve been doing today, and over the weekend. So many things to tell about these, and there are still challenges, and important things to learn. But what’s most important is that I’m feeling comfy with the tools, and having fun. Above is using […]

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April 12, 2012 0

I’m Still Figuring this Digital Thing Out!

By in black and white, color, digital, men, paintings, pencil, sketches, women

It will be nice when I can reliably produce images i’m happy with. Anyhow, it’s fun to play with, if a little time-consuming. I’m not a portrait type (that’s why I’m working on these!), but the machine has tools (particularly Photoshop’s “Liquefy”) which allows you to make little adjustments to a picture which would otherwise […]


April 10, 2012 0

Tall and Narrow

By in sketches, watercolour, women

This is the exact format I don’t need to work on my new site. Nonetheless, a couple of miscellaneous watercolours I was doodling in my watercolour book. The woman is a Solid Gold Dancer, the height of femininity in the 1980s. This guy was painted because I took out from the library a book of […]

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April 4, 2012 0


By in color, digital, women

I inked her and coloured her digitally from a little ball-point pen drawing, and I’m happy with it. I can get more sophisticated as I learn more little tricks. But most of the stuff works, and I can do it in a reasonable amount of time. So, hooray!

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March 31, 2012 0

Zooey D.

By in digital, pencil, women

Trying to draw portraits. I’m cozy in pencil (not so cozy drawing likenesses!). I wonder if it’s bastardization to try and colour a drawing this way, but I’m also practicing my digital chops. Not the prettiest image, technically, but it’s part of my artistic self-education, so I’m putting it up here. I wanted to draw […]

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March 28, 2012 0

An Improbable Prehistoric Scene

By in digital, dinosaurs, paintings, women

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March 28, 2012 0

Still Amblin’ Down the Digital Path….

By in digital, paintings, women

I think these are looking better. (and now I’ve updated it to balance the colours a little, according to some things I’ve learned. There are so many tools with Photoshop. Interesting but complex.)

March 23, 2012 0

Paper or Pixels?

By in digital, men, paintings, watercolour, women

One thing my recent adventures in digital painting have done, they’ve made my painting in watercolour seem absolutely easy and refreshing by comparision. Still it’s a great challenge, and I’ve learned plenty in the last little while. As I relax and practice, things will get easier, and the people more natural. I’m not a quick […]

March 1, 2012 0

Old Lady and Her Cat

By in pen and ink, women

I was going through an avalanche of old stuff today, trying to get organised. Found a lot of old things I at least don’t remember well, so I’m posting them. Well, this pen and ink of an old lady and cat (pretty big in the original, something like 14″x17″. Look cool. I don’t remember putting […]

February 29, 2012 0

Various Watercolour Paintings

By in cats, men, sketches, watercolour, women

Ye Huntyng Catt Keanu (Feel the Heat?) A California Woman Little Watercolour People

February 28, 2012 0

Scoundrels and Shady Dealings

By in cats, men, sketches, watercolour, women

Plus the usual cat.

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